April activities, training help Wiesbaden community stay SHARP

By Mr. William B King (2nd Signal Brigade)April 5, 2017

April activities, training help Wiesbaden community stay SHARP
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

WIESBADEN, Germany -- April is National Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month, or SAAPM, and there are a number of opportunities for Wiesbaden community members to learn, participate and get involved in raising awareness on the prevention of sexual assault.

The month is an opportunity to highlight robust efforts to care for victims and innovative ways we are working to infuse Sexual Harassment/Assault Response & Prevention, or SHARP, practices into our daily mission.

Wiesbaden community SAAPM activities include "Beat the Blame Game," a free two-hour show presented by Catharsis Productions April 10 at 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. at the Tony Bass Auditorium; the SHARP Amazing Race April 13 from 6:30-9 a.m. at the Wiesbaden Fitness Center; Strike Out Sexual Assault Bowling April 20 from noon to 4 p.m. at the Wiesbaden Entertainment Center; and a Drive Out Sexual Assault Golf Scramble at the Rheinblick Golf Course.

Hy Taylor, 2nd Signal Brigade victim advocate, said the events and training are designed to get individuals to participate in learning.

"The awareness activities during the month of April help to improve the overall organization by focusing on the prevention aspects and building the overall team concept," he said.

Taylor said attending one of the "Beat the Blame Game" sessions would count for the required annual online SHARP training for Soldiers and Civilians, and participating in the SHARP Amazing Race would fulfill the face-to-face training requirement. For more information about these or other SAAPM activities, contact your unit SHARP representative.

"It's important for our Soldiers and Civilians to be trained to improve the overall health of the organization promoting dignity and respect throughout," Taylor said.

For more information and to access SHARP resources go to www.army.mil/sharp. Download the WeCare Europe app to access Department of Defense, U.S. Army and local SHARP, suicide prevention and other resources from your smartphone.


2nd Signal Brigade builds, operates and defends Mission Command System and networks to support unified action anytime, anywhere.

Related Links:

2nd Signal Brigade

U.S. Army Europe

U.S. Army Network Enterprise Technology Command

U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden

U.S. Army Sexual Harassment/Assault Response & Prevention

STAND-TO: National Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month