National Prayer Breakfast helps build spiritual resiliency

By Nathan Pfau, Army Flier Staff WriterMarch 16, 2017

National Prayer Breakfast helps build spiritual resiliency
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT RUCKER, Ala. -- For many people, the power of prayer can help them get through difficult times, whether personal or professional, and Fort Rucker strives to keep its community strong through spiritual resiliency.

The National Prayer Breakfast was held at The Landing's Ballroom March 8 where Soldiers and civilians got the chance to strengthen that resiliency and be inspired by the words of retired Chaplain (Col.) Sonny Moore, former then U.S. Army Aviation Center chaplain, who encouraged people to find strength in their faith.

During the breakfast, scriptures were read and prayers were said for Soldiers, families and the nation, and it's in those prayers that Moore said it's important to show support for the American warfighter.

"We owe a debt to the American Soldier that this country will never pay," he said. "Nobody has given so much and asked for so little. We live in a town that supports Soldiers, and that's very important."

Throughout his sermon he told the story of King David, who ordered his men to prepare for a battle, but also ordered 200 of those men to stay behind to guard their supplies.

"You've got to stick by your stuff because it's important stuff," said the retired chaplain to the congregation.

The "stuff" Moore was referring to is everything that individuals, including chaplains, are involved in every day.

"Taking care of families and Soldiers is important stuff," he said. "What you and your teams are involved in is important stuff."

The greatest and most precious gift a person can give is of their time, said Moore, adding that it's more precious than money or any possession.

"The Bible says redeem the time, buy back the time, make use of your time, don't waste your time -- I don't have any time to waste," he said. "If I give you my time, I'm giving something precious. Add to your bank account in heaven with acts of kindness. Help somebody that can't help themselves."

Moore, who spent 34 years in military service, said he did so in order to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and the only way to do that is through teamwork.

It's because of that teamwork he said it's necessary to invest in your fellow human beings.

"It takes all of these people and civilians, and it takes those men and women in uniform -- it takes all of us -- to win a war," said Moore. "Do justly, love mercy and walk humbly -- that's what God requires of all of us. It's about the power of the team. Stick by your stuff, Fort Rucker. Train these Aviators. The Army needs what you do."

Gen. William K. Gayler, U.S. Army Aviation Center of Excellence and Fort Rucker commanding general, closed the ceremony and encouraged people to take Moore's message of service to heart.

"When you hear a great message like that told with such enthusiasm and passion … go out and have a great day and, more importantly, go out and make a day good for somebody else," said the general.

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