Mad about math!

By Laura Kreider, VMC Public Affairs OfficeFebruary 24, 2017

Mad about math!
Sgt. Aaron Clark from the Vicenza Dental Clinic, and his son Mason, 4, participate in one of the pre-school math activities "Sharks in the Water" during Math Night at Villaggio Multipurpose Room Feb. 10. To see more photos of the event, visit the gar... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

VILLAGGIO -- Math may not be everyone's favorite subject, but it sure looked like it at a recent event.

Many students and parents in the Vicenza Military Community found math to be a very entertaining activity during Math Night Feb. 10 at the Villaggio Multipurpose Room.

According to Erin Goodfellow, Math Night coordinator, approximately 400 students and parents attended the annual event.

The Parent-Teacher-Student Association and faculty offered an evening of fun and engaging activities for all grade levels from pre-kindergarten to fifth grade. Teachers set up activities and about 30 volunteers, including parents, middle and high school students assisted in the 30 stations. All stations had a focus on math, where children learned while having fun: applications of math, algebra and geometry seemed to be ruling the roost.

Activities planned were about having fun with math. Students in attendance were excited and became really involved with a variety of games such as math tiles, number building, rolling dice, color sorting and pattern block station.

"I liked the adding and subtracting ones best," said fourth-grader Jackson Brock, one of the participants. "My family and I came because I thought the people and the math would be fun."

While going from one activity to the next, students were progressing their familiarity with math at each station.

PTSA also donated popcorn and drinks, Vicenza High School cheerleaders joined the volunteers to support, and parents brought items for a Coat Swap where they could bring coats and get new ones.

One volunteer, eight-grader Sierra Goodfellow, said, "Math Night was fun for all ages. The cheerleaders really showed school spirit by creating math cheers, and their fundraising made hungry families want to stay."

Related Links:

USAG Italy Facebook page

USAG Italy webpage