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Lieutenant General Edward C. Cardon, Director, Office of Business Transformation Official Biography

By U.S. ArmyDecember 2, 2016

Lieutenant General Edward C. Cardon was born in Texas, raised in California and was commissioned as an Engineer Officer from the United States Military Academy in 1982.

LTG Cardon has commanded at every level from company through Army Service Component Command. Some of his assignments include Observer/Controller at the National Training Center; Strategist to the Army Chief of Staff; Commander, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 3d Infantry Division; Deputy Commandant, US Army Command and General Staff College; Deputy Commanding General (Support), United States Forces -- Iraq; Commanding General, 2d Infantry Division, Republic of Korea; and Commanding General, US Army Cyber Command and 2d Army.

LTG Cardon has deployed in support of IFOR/SFOR Bosnia-Herzegovina and on four separate occasions in support of OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM.

His education includes a Bachelor of Science Degree from the United States Military Academy and two Masters Degrees - one from the National War College and the other from the United States Naval Command and Staff College, both in National Security and Strategic Studies.

Lieutenant General Cardon is married and has three children.