CSM Jacqueline Becerra is a native of Chicago, Illinois and enlisted in the Army on 2 Jan 1997 as a Unit Supply Specialist. She attended Basic Training at Fort Jackson, South Carolina and Advanced Individual Training at Fort Lee, Virginia.
CSM Becerra has served in every leadership position from team leader to 1SG. She has served as supply clerk, S-4 1/24 Infantry Battalion, Fort Lewis, Washington. Armorer, 61st Chemical Company, Pusan, Korea; BN S-4, 447th Signal Battalion, Fort Gordon, Georgia; Supply Sergeant, 1/25th CSSC, Fort Lewis, Washington; Supply Sergeant B Company 25th BSB, Fort Lewis, Washington; Drill Sergeant 35th Engineer Battalion, Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri; Drill Sergeant Leader, Noncommissioned Officers Academy, Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri; First Sergeant HHD 193rd, 4TH MEB, Fort Leonard Wood, MO; First Sergeant, HHC 3RD Chemical Brigade, Fort Leonard Wood, MO; Log Cell NCOIC, Combined Security Transition Command-Afghanistan (CSTC-A), Afghanistan; First Sergeant, D Co 1-48 IN BN, Fort Leonard Wood, MO; BN Ops NCOIC, 1-48 IN BN, Fort Leonard Wood, MO; Support Operations NCOIC, 8 HQ Intel Co HHB, Yongsan, Korea.
Her stateside tours include Fort Lewis Washington, Fort Gordon Georgia, and Fort Leonard Wood Missouri. Her overseas assignments include 2 tours to Korea. She deployed to Iraq for 12 months in support of Iraqi Freedom and Afghanistan for 12 months in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.
CSM Becerra military and civilian education includes Basic Leader Course, Advanced Leader Course, Senior Leader Course, Drill Sergeant School, Combatives Level I, Basic Instructor and Small Group Instructor Courses, Company Commander/First Sergeant Course, United States Army Sergeants Major Academy. CSM Becerra earned her Bachelor's Degree in Leadership with Military Focus from Excelsior College.
Her awards include the Bronze Star Medal, Meritorious Service Medal (3 OLC), Army Commendation Medal (4 OLC), Army Achievement Medal (7 OLC), Army Good Conduct Medal (6 Award), National Defense Service Medal, Korean Defense Service Medal, Afghan Campaign Medal (1 CS), Iraqi Campaign Medal (1 CS), Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, NCO Professional Development Ribbon (3), Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon (3), NATO Medal and the Drill Sergeant Identification Badge.
CSM Becerra is married to MSG Royal Becerra of Merced, California. Together they have three children, Joseline (13), Jeanna (7), and Royal (4).
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