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100th Training Division (OS) bids farewell to its commander and welcomes a new one

By Master Sgt. Benari PoultenSeptember 20, 2016

100th Training Division (OS) bids farewell to its commander and welcomes a new one
1 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Brig. Gen. Aaron T. Walter, the incoming commander of the 100th Training Division (left), Maj. Gen. A. C. Roper, the commander of the 80th Training Command (TASS) (middle), and Brig. Gen. Jason L. Walrath, outgoing commander of the 100th Division (ri... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
100th Training Division (OS) bids farewell to its commander and welcomes a new one
2 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Maj. Gen. A. C. Roper, the commander of the 80th Training Command (TASS), pins the prestigious Legion of Merit on Brig. Gen. Jason L. Walrath, the outgoing commander of the 100th Training Division Operations Support, in recognition of Walrath's numer... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
100th Training Division (OS) bids farewell to its commander and welcomes a new one
3 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Brig. Gen. Jason L. Walrath, the outgoing commander of the 100th Training Division Operations Support, addresses his troops and the assembled family and friends during a Sunday morning Change of Command Ceremony at Brooks Parade FIeld, Fort Knox, Ky.... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
100th Training Division (OS) bids farewell to its commander and welcomes a new one
4 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Brig. Gen. Aaron T. Walter, incoming commander of the 100th Training Division Operations Support, accepts the division's colors from the Commanding General of the 80th Training Command (TASS), Maj. Gen. A.C. Roper, during a change of command ceremony... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT KNOX, Ky. -- Two years after assuming command of the 100th Training Division, Brig. Gen. Jason L. Walrath addressed the division's Soldiers family members and friends one last time as the outgoing commander during a Change of Command Ceremony at Brooks Parade Field, Sept. 11, 2016.

Maj. Gen. A. C. Roper, commander of the 80th Training Command, administered the ceremony, and during his speech, praised Walrath for his exceptional leadership. Roper said, for two consecutive years under Walrath's command, the Instructor of the Year winners at the 80th TC, the United States Army Reserve Command and U.S. Training and Doctrine Command levels came from the 100th TD.

"Your leadership, hard work and untiring efforts during your tenure resulted in significant progress," Roper said. "You improved the culture of the division to focus on teamwork, inclusivity, and accountability."

During his speech, Walrath recounted a parable about an old man who spent his life quietly oiling squeaky hinges and fixing broken gates in order to make things better for those who came after him.

"There exists a multitude of individuals in our formation quietly oiling hinges and fixing gates in an unselfish effort to make this all work," Walrath said. "In parting, I encourage you all to remain focused on the mission, constantly improve your positions while we enhance capability, and continue to make this a better unit and a better army for those that come after."

Before he led the 100th TD, Walrath was the Deputy Chief of Staff of Operations at the Joint Enabling Capability Command, Norfolk Naval Base, Virginia. Walrath is also an Army Aviator and a former commercial pilot who holds an FAA Airline Transport Pilot Certificate. His next assignment is Deputy Commanding General - Support of the U.S. Army Recruiting Command.

Walrath formally relinquished his command by handing over the division's colors to Roper. Roper then handed the colors to the incoming commander, Brig. Gen. Aaron T. Walter, who then officially assumed command of the 100th TD.

During his first speech to the division Soldiers, Walter promised to build on the already strong foundation left to him by his predecessor.

"I recognize the next couple of years will be challenging as the U.S. Army continues to transform," said Walter said. "While the future may not be entirely clear, I can strongly confirm that the 100th Training Division will stand ready to support the U.S. Army and the U.S. Army Reserve as we continue to operate in support of our we strive to always 'Train 'Em Tough.'"

The 100th Division provides command and control functions, coordination, and special staff for Total Army School System brigades, as well as a full range of command, support, and management functions for assigned brigades and units, including but not limited to Military Occupational Specialty Training and the technical phases of the Non-Commissioned Officer Training. The 100th TD is subordinate to the 80th TC headquartered in Richmond, Va., Army Reserve.