USSTRATCOM commander discusses strategic deterrence at SMD Symposium

By Dottie K. White (SMDC/ARSTRAT)August 17, 2016

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HUNTSVILLE, Alabama -- The commander of the U.S. Strategic Command said during the 19th Space and Missile Defense Symposium that his number one priority is to deter strategic attacks against the United States and provide assurance to U.S. allies.

Commander Adm. Cecil D. Haney, who spoke Aug. 16 at the Von Braun Center, highlighted the importance of space, cyberspace and missile defense as it relates to USSTRATCOM and his priorities.

"Strategic deterrence is a complex subject that is foundational to our national security," Haney said. "It depends on the situation, and we must master it to ensure that no adversary will gain the benefits they seek, no adversary can escalate their way out of a failed conflict, and all adversaries understand that we can, and will if necessary, respond in a time, in a place and in a manner of our choosing.

"Strategic Command's capabilities underpin the fundamental elements of deterrence, affording the United States the ability to maintain strategic stability -- a must in this dynamic and uncertain security environment," he continued.

"Frequently we look at threats and vulnerabilities associated with space, cyberspace and missile defense as individual areas of concern," Haney said. "I would argue today that we can't afford to do so. We must look at them in a comprehensive manner as there are interconnections associated with these areas that must be understood. They must be dealt with.

"The space domain has increasingly become contested, degraded and operationally limited. These are not necessarily new challenges," said Haney. "Some countries have clearly signaled their intent and their ability to conduct hostile operations in space as an extension to the terrestrial battle space. These operations would deny U.S. forces advantages of space which would have enabled us to favorably shape events in all corners of the globe."

Haney said the United States must maintain assured access into space as national space capabilities allow the U.S. to globally navigate, communicate, and observe events where non-space centers are not feasible.

"Space capabilities are also a vital component of comprehensive terms of assurance and are critical to supporting our deployed forces and our national decision-making processes," said Haney. "Investment in these capabilities is vital to our national security."

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