Safety officials: Beat the heat, stay safe

By Compiled by Jim Goodwin, Pentagram EditorJuly 29, 2016

Safety officials: Beat the heat, stay safe
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

The Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall Safety Office reminds everyone that heat injuries are a real possibility, especially when summer temperatures peak in the high 90s with heat indexes forecast to break 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

JBM-HH safety officials want to remind all JBM-HH staff, residents, guests and visitors that increased temperatures require more precautions to avoid heat-related injuries.

"Know your limits out there," advises JBM-HH Safety Program Manager Lenny Davis. "Supervisors should be checking on their employees who are working outside every 15 minutes or so."

Those who work outside or in facilities without air conditioning are at particular risk of suffering heat-related injuries.

Davis recommends that those who do work outside always work in pairs. Doing so allows for one person to call for help if the other suffers an injury, he said.

"If you start to feel light-headed or faint, get in the shade and get some water," said Davis.

Safety officials advise military personnel and others to adhere to the following work/rest routine:

- Easy work (example is directing traffic -- not strenuous): work for 50 minutes; rest for 10 minutes. Water intake should be one quart per hour.

- Moderate work (example is loading a truck, moving equipment for a short period of time): work for 20 minutes; rest for 40 minutes. Water intake should be one quart an hour.

- Hard work (example - roofing, road work, ditch digging -- laborious work): Work for 10 minutes; rest for 50 minutes. Water intake should be one quart per hour.

As temperatures across the National Capital Region continue to soar, be sure to keep summer safety in mind outside of work-related activities, too. Local news reports have detailed the death of pets and at least one child who were left inside vehicles during peak temperatures.

Other safety tips include:

- Know the symptoms of heat stroke and heat exhaustion, and call 911 if someone displays signs of heat injury.

- Keep cool by staying in the shade or air conditioning and by drinking plenty of water.

- Be aware of how quickly vehicles can heat up during the day and remember to check on pets left home.

- Never leave pets or children in an unattended vehicle during the summer months.

For more guidance, visit See for the latest heat index and weather forecasts.

As a reminder, the Pentagram publishes a four-day forecast at the bottom of the front page weekly.