Fagan new Fires Center command sergeant major

By Jeff CrawleyJuly 21, 2016

New Fires CSM
1 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Command Sgt. Maj. Carl Fagan accepts the noncommissioned officer's sword from Maj. Gen. John Rossi, Fires Center of Excellence and Fort Sill commanding general, to become the CSM of the FCoE July 19, 2016, outside McNair Hall at Fort Sill, Okla. It i... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
Fires welcome
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Well done duty
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FORT SILL, Okla., July 21, 2016 -- For his fourth tour at Fort Sill, Command Sgt. Maj. Carl Fagan became the CSM for the Fires Center of Excellence and Fort Sill during a change of responsibility ceremony July 19, outside McNair Hall.

Outgoing Command Sgt. Maj. Brian Lindsey moves on to become the sergeant major for the Institute for Noncommissioned Officers Professional Development at Fort Eustis, Va.

Dozens of service members, families and friends, DA civilians and post and community leaders attended the 8 a.m. event.

In his invocation, Chap. (Col.) John Morris, Installation Command chaplain, said: "Gracious and oh mighty God ... we thank you for the service that they (Lindseys) rendered here, sacrifices they made and class they added to this organization. We thank you for lending us Command Sergeant Major Fagan and his wife, Sherry. We thank you Lord for all the talent they bring, all the experience, all the wisdom."

During the ceremony, the NCO sword, which symbolically represents the cutting edge of the professionalism and living spirit of the FCoE mission, was partially unsheathed to expose the blade by FCoE Sgt. Maj. Earl Woods. He then passed the sword to Lindsey, who snapped it closed signifying his last act as FCoE command sergeant major. Lindsey then passed the sword to Maj. Gen. John Rossi, FCoE and Fort Sill commanding general, signifying the relinquishment of his duties, and his gratitude to care for the Soldiers, families and civilians.

Rossi accepted the sword with this charge: "Having served with faithfulness and distinction you are hereby released from your responsibilities ...," said program narrator Mike Simmons, Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobilization and Security chief of ceremonies.

Rossi then charged Fagan to provide him sound advice, and to care for the Soldiers, families and civilians of the unit. Fagan drew the sword out of the scabbard and inspected the blade. He closed it as his first act as the new CSM, and returned it to Woods.

In his speech, Rossi said the command team relationship is vital to the success of the unit.

"Not the commander, but the unit won't be successful without the right CSM. And, that the commander and CSM will have the right relationship when it's in place. You'll know if it's wrong and you'll know if it's right."

Lindsey possesses qualities that stand him apart from other CSMs, the general said. "He's a natural team builder ... who's extremely inclusive, to include young troops. He's extremely positive about all things."

Rossi went on to describe Lindsey as "a guy who could think big, who could see outside of the stovepipe." When he talked it wasn't just about Fort Sill, but the Training and Doctrine Command and the big Army.

"Brian Lindsey is a good man, a great man. He is genuine," Rossi said. He never let anything slip at Fort Sill, all the while taking care of his family.

Rossi welcomed Fagan and his wife.

"We're lucky to get you," the general said.

Rossi then presented the DoD Legion of Merit Medal to Lindsey for exceptionally meritorious service as the FCoE CSM since May 30, 2014. Rossi went on to present Lindsey's wife, Dr. Vickie Lindsey, with the Outstanding Civilian Service Medal, Margaret Corbin Award for volunteerism, Oklahoma Governor's Commendation, and the Red Legacy award for the impact she made on the Lawton-Fort Sill community.


"I'm excited to be back at Fort Sill, it's home," said Fagan, who was most recently the division artillery sergeant major for the 101st Airborne Division at Fort Campbell, Ky. "I thank God for bringing me this far, and I pray for the courage to change the things I can, the serenity to accept the things I cannot, and the wisdom to know the difference."

Fagan went on to thank Sherry for being an active participant of Team Fagan. "Today is much a result of her efforts as it is mine."

Fagan then challenged the audience.

"Imagine that there is an empty rucksack at the base of the podium," he said. "My challenge to you is to fill this kit with the things you need me to do everyday. I will always have it with me even if you can't see it. I am your command sergeant major."

Afterward, Fagan described his leadership style as people focused.

"Everyone gets the benefit that I assume they know how to do their job, so I'm going to let them," he said.


Almost 30 years ago in basic combat training at 1st Battalion, 19th Field Artillery, then-Pfc. Lindsey would never have thought it possible that he would become the FCoE command sergeant major, Lindsey began.

He thanked the DA civilians and contractors for their work.

"I have learned and developed a greater appreciation for what our civilians do for us in uniform on a day-to-day basis," Lindsey said. "It is without a doubt a force multiplier, at least in that building for sure," he said gesturing toward FCoE Headquarters.

Lindsey then thanked his administrative staff, his driver, the chief of staff and Rossi.

"Sir, thanks for letting me serve as your sergeant major," Lindsey said. "You are an incredible leader and you actions definitely speak louder than your words."

The command sergeant major acknowledge his wife, whom he has known since childhood.

"You are an incredible lady, an independent woman and the best thing that has ever happened to me," Lindsey said.

Lindsey also recognized the special Lawton-Fort Sill community bond.

"What a strong and vibrant relationship and I'm sure it will continue to get better," Lindsey said.