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Soldiers prepare on tank simulators for Saber Guardian exercise

By Staff Sgt. Corinna Baltos, 24th Press Camp HeadquartersJuly 18, 2016

1-64 Armor uses simulators to train prior to Exercise Saber Guardian
1 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Spc. Jordan Hilbreth, Alpha Co, 1st Combined Arms Battalion, 64th Armored Regiment, uses an Advanced Gunnery Training System (AGTS) on Thursday, July 14, at Mihail Koganiacialeau, Air Base, Romania. Tankers are required to use AGTS before the... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
1-64 Armor uses simulators to train prior to Exercise Saber Guardian
2 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption – (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
1-64 Armor uses simulators to train prior to Exercise Saber Guardian
3 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Sgt. Terrance Bond, Alpha Company, 1st Combined Arms Battalion, 64th Armored Regiment, uses the Conduct of Fire Trainer Situational Awareness (COFT-SA), which simulates an M2A3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle on Thursday, July 14, at Mihail Kogalinaceau Air... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

CONSTANTA, Romania - Soldiers from the 1st Combined Arms Battalion, 64th Armored Regiment used Bradley and tank simulators on Thursday, July 14, to conduct vital training prior to participating in Exercise Saber Guardian later this month.

"Before you can shoot the actual weapons, you have to qualify on the simulator," said Staff Sgt. Bill Stark, Delta Company, 1-64th AR. "We changed up our tank crews since our last gunnery range, so everyone needs to requalify on the simulators again."

While the simulator is not the same as being in a real tank, Spc. Jordan Hildreth, Delta Company, 1-64, said he enjoyed the experience.

"It's a different way to train," he said. "The simulation makes it easy. It's fun, and I like it."

The unit plans on running all of their tank and Bradley crews through the simulators prior to departing for Saber Guardian next week.

Saber Guardian is a U.S. Army Europe-led exercise, in the spirit of partnership for peace. It is designed to promote regional stability and security, while strengthening partnership capacity, and fostering trust while improving interoperability between Romania, the U.S., NATO and Partnership for Peace member nations.

It will take place July 27 through Aug. 7 at the Romanian Land Force Combat Training Center in Cincu, Romania.


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