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SFC Christopher R. Brevard NCO Academy

By U.S. ArmyOctober 29, 2019

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(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL


Develop agile, adaptive, and resilient leaders who are confident and committed to Army Values through the delivery of Standardized Army Doctrine and enforcement of Army Standards from a highly Professional and Prepared Cadre of Noncommissioned Officers


Train and develop the Army's future Noncommissioned Officer Corps by providing functional leadership skill sets that embody the Warrior Ethos, Army Values and standards set forth in the NCO Creed. Teaching methods focus on the "Big Picture" by using conceptual models, where students are taught not what to think, but how to think.


Graduate Leaders that exude confidence and competence to perform their duties as NCOs across a broad spectrum in peace and war by:

Leading by Example

Maintaining and Enforcing Standards

Adapting to the Changing Environment by "Thinking" Through Challenges

Taking Care of Soldiers and their Families

Related Documents:

Graduation Pamphlet June 2018 [PDF]

Related Links:

PRT Info (CAC Required)


BLC Information

Instructor Training Course


NCOA Blackboard

NCOA Facebook