TAPA, ESTONIA -- Approximately 10,000 personnel from 13 countries will participate in the U.S. Army Europe-led joint, multinational exercise "Saber Strike 16," taking place in multiple locations in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania from May 30 to June 22.
The aim of the exercise is to facilitate cooperation among Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, as well as other participating nations, including Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Norway, Poland, Slovenia, United Kingdom, and the United States. Saber Strike improves joint operational capability in a range of missions as well as preparing the participating nations to support multinational contingency operations. The exercise also will train participants on command-and-control and interoperability with Allies and regional partners through division-led, brigade-level command post and computer-assisted exercises and battalion-level field and situational training exercises.
Leading up to the Saber Strike exercise this year, the U.S. Army's 2nd Cavalry Regiment will demonstrate a dynamic presence throughout the region by showcasing freedom of movement during a 2,200-kilometer tactical road march from Germany to Estonia. The road march, "Dragoon Ride II," runs from May 27 to June 15. It will feature 1,400 Soldiers and 400 vehicles stopping in several cities to host public displays of their equipment along with their Allied counterparts.
Saber Strike 16 is one of a series of separate exercises running concurrently this June in eastern Europe, during which elements of the training will link with Anakonda 16 and Swift Response 16 training. Each exercise further supports assurance and deterrence measures by demonstrating Allied defense capabilities to deploy, mass and sustain combat power. Saber Strike16 also features the integration of U.S. close-air support with Allied and partner-nation ground forces and a demonstration of U.S. air deployment of forces and equipment. U.S. Air Force Global Strike Command is providing B-52 aircraft to participate in air operations training throughout Saber Strike and the separate BALTOPS 16 exercise in the Baltic Sea.
For more information on the exercise, contact the lead exercise PAO from 4th Infantry Division MCE, Maj. Martyn Crighton, Martyn.y.crighton.mil@mail.mil, +49 (0)6783-6-9351 or +49 (0)152-21-50-3162. Keep up with the exercise online at http://www.eur.army.mil/saberstrike/ or search #SaberStrike and #AtlanticResolve on social media.
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