LMP Increment 2 Wave 3 is LIVE!!

By U.S. ArmyMay 23, 2016

Inc 2 Wave 3 Go-Live Image
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

This morning at 0612 EDT, the Army turned on the LMP Increment 2 Wave 3 functionality at the remaining 14 Army Materiel Command (AMC) organic industrial base (OIB) sites.

While there are no "fireworks" to mark a Go-Live like this, there is a spark that is at the heart of what the LMP does and that is our team. Our team and our customers light the fire on the LMP to keep it delivering day in and day out.

AMC (due in part to LMP) enables higher levels of Army readiness. Success through automation is critical for the future Army and the LMP has delivered it on time and budget. There is no better accomplishment for a program office like ours.

Today, the Army has brought full circle what the LMP set out to do nearly 15 years ago. Congratulations to the entire team and your commitment to supporting Army and Soldier readiness.