Building tomorrow's leaders

By Capt. Chad Nixon, 369th Adjutant General BattalionApril 28, 2016

1 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Capt. John Zaehringer and 1st Lt. Christopher Smith, students assigned to the Adjutant General Captains Career Course, prepare to move a notionally wounded Solider over a zip line while participating in a leadership exercise at the Teamwork Developme... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
2 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Capt. Vivian King, a student assigned to the Adjutant General Captains Career Course, passes a board through a tube to construct a bridge for fellow teammates to traverse while participating in a leadership exercise at the Teamwork Development Course... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

Officers assigned to the Adjutant General Captains Career Course, class 002-16, participate in a leadership exercise April 25 at the Teamwork Development Course, here at Fort Jackson.

As part of the Lead and Organize block of instruction, students were placed in small groups and collectively faced six different scenarios in which they were evaluated on leadership techniques.

"This training provides students the opportunity to lead and develop subordinates within their chain of command," said Maj. Eric Sutton, an instructor and team leader for course 002-16. "Students can use the skills learned today when they continue on in their careers and lead troops in the future."

With each leadership obstacle, students are challenged by different scenarios and provided only minimal materials to complete the task at hand.

"I am responsible for The Cliffhanger obstacle, and the mission is for teams to move an ammunition crate up a wall and over a simulated broken bridge, supplied with only an 8-foot board and section of rope," said 1st Lt. Omar Villa, a fellow student and Lane Observer Controller. "It was pleasing to see how well Soldiers can work as a team to complete the task and not question their assigned leadership."

At the end of the day students gathered to reflect on the course and discuss individual experiences.

"This was a great way for us to reach the halfway mark in the course," said Capt. Jeff Page, a student assigned to class 002-16. "As officers we are expected to lead the way and this training was an excellent opportunity to gain experience and develop tools we can utilize in the future."