PICATINNY ARSENAL, N.J. -- The Picatinny Arsenal Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) office hosted their first annual Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) 5k run/walk on April 21.
Roughly 165 Soldiers, family members, and employees from the Picatinny community came out to show their support.
April is SAAM across the country and at military installations worldwide. Throughout the month, the Picatinny SHARP team has been placing information tables and hosting banner-signing events around the installation.
Each April, Jon Beaulieu, the sexual assault response coordinator, and Damie Meyer, the victim advocate, invite members of the community to sign a banner with messages of support and encouragement to survivors of sexual assault.
The 5K began after remarks from Brig. Gen. Patrick W. Burden, Picatinny's Senior Commander, and a light warm up, led by Staff Sgt. Daniel Farrington.
A majority of the participants wore teal, the international color of sexual assault awareness and prevention.
The fastest male runners were Jesse Wolfgang (20:18); Michael Smurla (21:17); and Luke Falk (22:15).
The top female runners were Julia Gustafson (23:14); Rachel Morrissey (26:12); and Anne Zapata (26:58).
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