VICENZA, Italy--The 414th Contracting Support Brigade here helped the Vicenza Military Community kick off activities scheduled in April designed to bring awareness to sexual assault, teen dating violence, substance abuse and domestic violence.
April is National Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month.
The Hotline for Heroes 5K run introduced leaders, teams and hotlines available to help Soldiers, civilians and family members face those issues head-on every day to over 300 community participants dressed up as their favorite heroes, according to Sgt. 1st Class Shannon Booker, the 414th CSB Sexual
Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention unit victim advocate. Booker organized the unit's record turnout with more than 50 brigade participants. After the run, U.S. Army Garrison Italy Commander
Col. Steve Marks presented a trophy to Col. Christine Beeler, 414th CSB commander, for most unit participants.
During the post-run brigade breakfast at the South of the Alps Dining facility, Beeler introduced Booker as the unit victim advocate.
Beeler emphasized to those gathered that "Every day is SHARP action day as we work to make cultural changes that eradicate this type of behavior. The awareness month helps us refresh, renew, and reacquaint our soldiers, employees and family members with changes in the regulations, reporting procedures, and personnel."
Brigade Command Sgt. Maj. Dennis Collins emphasized the importance of treating people with dignity and respect every day.
Booker reminded everyone of the upcoming SHARP Stand-Up and Denim Day events scheduled for April 27.
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