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Department of the Army announces upcoming deployment

By Mr. Troy A Rolan Sr. (News Releases)March 15, 2016

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(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

The Department of the Army announced today the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division stationed at Fort Bliss, Texas, will deploy about 4,000 soldiers in the spring of 2016 to Kuwait in support of combatant commander mission requirements.

"The Bulldog Brigade is well-trained, well-led and fully prepared for the challenges this mission will bring," Maj. Gen. Stephen Twitty, commanding general of 1st Armored Division and Fort Bliss said. "The brigade proved themselves as an agile and adaptable force during a rigorous home-station training regimen and will soon complete a rotation to the National Training Center at Fort Irwin, California - a final validation of their readiness to conduct operations in any environment."

For more information on 1st Armored Division's deployment, contact the III Corps public affairs officer, Lt. Col. Craig Childs, at or by phone at 915-744-8406.