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Arrivals and Inprocessing USARAK

By U.S. ArmyMarch 8, 2016

Upon arrival at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Soldiers must sign in at the Welcome Center in Building 600, Room 103.

The Welcome Center is open from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday for in-processing. After 5 p.m., a Staff Duty is available to sign you in off leave only and to contact your unit for a sponsor.

Soldiers arriving at the Anchorage airport can call the Welcome Center at 384-0425 for transportation to the Welcome Center.

Upon arrival at Fort Wainwright, Soldiers must sign in at the Welcome Center in Building 3401. During the duty hours (Monday thru Friday 7:30 a.m - 4:30 p.m.) report to the Military Personnel Division Front desk or call 907-353-2273/2253/2220 After duty hours and holidays report to Building 3419 or call 907 353-4311 for instructions. The line is manned 24 hours a day.

Soldiers arriving in Alaska from Oct. 1 to May 1 must arrive with their Gortex jacket, trousers and gloves due to possible extreme frigid temperatures.

Soldiers MUST have Concurrent Travel in order to be authorized to bring their family with them when initially arriving to Alaska and in order to be paid for the dependent travel. This travel decision MUST be processed through the losing installation Levy Section before PCSing to Alaska.

If family members travel before they are authorized, You will not be reimbursed for their travel. If you are authorized to bring your family members to Alaska with you initially, their names must be listed on your orders.

If your family is with you in concurrent travel status, you will be sent to lodging, which is open 24 hours a day. Lodging is available on a space-available basis for Soldiers without reservations, arriving at or departing on permanent change of station orders.

All personnel traveling on PCS orders are required to check with the Lodging Office before seeking transient accommodations off post.

Only Family Housing can authorize a Temporary Lodging Allowance; you must check in with them as soon as you are scheduled for in-processing.

TLA is available for single Soldiers in the pay grade of E-6 and above, married Soldiers in all grades arriving without family members due to deferred travel and for all married Soldiers on concurrent travel who are accompanied by command-sponsored family members. TLA is authorized to partially offset the cost of temporary lodging for the first 20 days after arrival, unless government housing is immediately available. TLA can be extended on a case-by-case basis.