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Soldier for Life Spotlight of the Week Announced

By U.S. ArmyJanuary 27, 2016

Soldier for Life Spotlight of the Week Announced
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

We're pleased to bring you the this week's #SoldierForLife Spotlight. A huge congratulations to Soldier of the Year SPC Austin Edwards. 2-12 CAV, 1ABCT, Tanker. This currently single Soldier was born in 1991 in Missoula, Montana and has served in the army for two years. His favorite ice cream is Cookie Dough: and his top song on his playlist is "Should Have Been a Cowboy." Please Give SGT Austin Edwards a huge round of applause for being the Soldier for Life Spotlight of the week!

SPC Edwards is pictured below with Under Secretary of the Army Patrick Murphy and the links above will take you to the #SoldierForLife Playlist in Spotify. There's also a link to a recipe for SPC Edwards favorite ice cream. Be sure to check back each week for a new #SoldierForLife Spotlight.

Related Links:

Under Secretary of the Army Patrick Murphy Facebook Page