Contracting command hiring gains momentum

By JOHN BENTLEYJanuary 7, 2016

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(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

Like many federal agencies, Army Contracting Command-Redstone is working to find innovative approaches to attract and retain the best contracting professionals to serve their diverse customer base. To combat the situation, ACC-Redstone will infuse its workforce with 95 developmental hires over the next three months.

This strategic decision was based on the current attrition rate of employees retiring or accepting positions with other local agencies. A trend analysis showed that they were losing employees at a much faster rate than they were able to replenish the workforce at the journeymen level.

"To continue the momentum of becoming the model Army contracting center requires us to ensure we have the best and brightest talent," ACC-Redstone Executive Director Rebecca Weirick said.

An effort of this magnitude would not have been possible without the collaboration of their partners.

The Civilian Personnel Advisory Center worked with ACC every step of the way to ensure a smooth hiring process. Earl Adams, chief of the personnel services division at ACC-Redstone, praised their effort.

"Without their guidance and support, we could not have achieved our goal of hiring 95 developmental hires in such a short timeframe," he said.

Now that the hiring phase is in progress, ACC is partnering with the Defense Acquisition University, the Army Acquisition Center of Excellence and headquarters ACC to develop a plan to train our new hires.

"They have been instrumental in assisting in the development, preparation and implementation of our plan to train our new hires to become fully proficient in their contracting duties," Valerie Ward, ACC-Redstone workforce development specialist, said.

"I am very proud of everyone involved both within and outside ACC-Redstone in helping us in the recruitment and training of our developmental hires," Weirick said.