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Important Upcoming 2016 TARDEC Events and GVSETS/APBI Forums

By TARDEC Public AffairsJanuary 6, 2016

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TARDEC Collaborates With Defense Industry OEMs During MDEX
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TARDEC Hosts 2015 Industry Days
3 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption – TARDEC engineers meet with representatives from business and industry during the 3rd annual Industry Days. These small group meetings allow industry reps to ask specific questions about TARDEC's key funded projects and priorities, and learn how indus... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

North American International Auto Show (NAIAS)

11-24 January 2016

Detroit, MI

Detroit has hosted an auto show for more than a century. For the first several decades, the show's focus was strictly regional. Then, in 1987, a visionary group of auto dealers within the Detroit Auto Dealers Association (DADA) asked a bold question: "Why not make the event truly international in scope?" Achieving this objective within only a few years' time, the North American International Auto Show (NAIAS) pursues a vision of continually redefining what it means to be an indispensable international event. To achieve this goal, the NAIAS continually introduces bold new ways to enhance attendees' experiences and deliver exceptional value to media, industry and the public.

TARDEC will connect and share insights with more than 2,000 companies from around the world. This event enables unique networking and professional development opportunities by bringing together individuals responsible for the leading-edge products, technologies and services on display at NAIAS, in addition to allowing TARDEC to showcase its technical innovations to the general public.


Michigan's Chapter Cybersecurity Defense Sector Summit

March 1-2, 2016

Troy, Michigan

The Michigan Chapter of the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) was founded in 1919 as the Army Ordnance Association to provide a legal and ethical forum for the interchange of ideas between the government and industry to resolve industrial problems of joint concern. Currently, the Michigan Chapter supports all branches of the Armed Forces, local, state and federal government, and the corporate entities that support our warfighters, first responders and patriotic Americans.

The Cybersecurity Defense Sector Summit provides the opportunity to engage in intimate roundtable discussions on current efforts to protect our military and industrial base platforms, including the latest initiatives in the automotive industries, including: how cybersecurity is impacting ground vehicles and air and maritime platforms; the driving factors in cybersecurity requirements; and supplier concerns meeting requirements in the cybersecurity sector.

Also addressed are the methods and sources of how and when funding will be provided to support further development of cybersecurity platforms, a detail of current cyber security challenges facing leaders/decision makers, and a revelation of new products under development.


AUSA Global Force Symposium and Exposition

March 15-17, 2016

Huntsville, Alabama

The Association of the United States Army (AUSA) is a private, non-profit educational organization that supports America's Active Army, National Guard, Reserve, Civilians, Retirees, Government Civilians, Wounded Warriors, Veterans and Family Members. The AUSA Institute of Land Warfare (ILW) Global Force Symposium & Exposition explores capabilities outlined in the Army Operating Concept and how the force transforms from being adaptive to driving innovation for Force 2025 and beyond.

This three-day event features presentations from the United States Army Materiel Command (AMC), the United States Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology (ASAALT) and special invited guests. The Army is evaluating critical points of acquisition, research and development, and partnering between military and industry to restructure military-industrial programs in order to maintain a competitive overmatch against potential adversaries. Panel discussions from senior military and industry leaders, AMC, TRADOC and the ASAALT explores potential changes.


2016 SAE World Congress

12-14 April 2016

Detroit, MI

The 2016 SAE World Congress assembles the best talent in the automotive industry; experts, management teams, engineers, and executives alike gather to collaborate and address current challenges, seek new windows for discovery and exploration, and promote the multitude of opportunities fundamental for a successful future. This year's theme, "Powering Possibilities," represents a world of untapped discoveries in the automotive industry.

• Knowledge: Hear from the best and the brightest the industry has to offer with topics covering the spectrum of automotive engineering.

• Networking: Expose yourself and your team to new ideas and new perspectives, participate in Q&A with Subject-Matter Experts and benchmark best practices.

• Innovators Only Exhibition: Discover what's new from proven industry innovators, OEMs, top-tier suppliers and other related leading-edge companies from around the world.

• Management Program: Listen in on fascinating dialogue, realize trends and gain valuable insight from respected industry leaders.


TARDEC Industry Days

26-27 April 2016

Warren, MI

U.S. ARMY DETROIT ARSENAL, WARREN, MI ― Industry partners are invited to attend the third annual U.S. Army Tank Automotive Research, Development and Engineering Center (TARDEC) Industry Days on April 26-27 to hear the latest information about its 30-Year Strategy and the research and development initiatives taking place at the Detroit Arsenal. TARDEC business group leaders highlight their key projects to present actionable information and engage their industry counterparts in two-way dialogue.

• Industry Days will be held on April 26-27 to continue to build awareness about TARDEC's 30-Year Strategy and its alignment to the Army Chief of Staff's focus to fundamentally change how the Army of 2025 and Beyond will fight and win in a complex world.

• TARDEC's 30-Year Strategy provides strategic direction and context for decision making and purposeful management of its manned and autonomy-enabled ground systems portfolio, enabling business processes and external/internal communications to stakeholders.

• The TARDEC Director will define key funded projects and priorities, and illustrate how industry can leverage critical Army capabilities and align their research efforts and investments with TARDEC.

• Collaboration with industry is vital to TARDEC's success. Utilizing a variety of agreements, industry can leverage critical Army capabilities, facilities and the expertise of TARDEC's highly skilled workforce for mutual benefit.

• The Army of 2025 and Beyond must be expeditionary, lethal, autonomy-enabled and efficient. To achieve these objectives, TARDEC must provide capabilities that sustain a modular, flexible, adaptable and smart ground systems portfolio.

Industry Days announcement will be broadcast through

Michigan Defense Exposition (MDEX)

27-28 April 2016

Warren, MI

The Michigan Chapter of the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) is hosting the fifth annual Michigan Defense Exposition (MDEX). The 2016 MDEX will offer new features to attract an expanded audience focused on Defense Prime attendees and facilitate strong networking opportunities between government and industry, while showcasing industry capabilities to enhance product performance to serve our Warfighters.

Macomb Community College Sports & Expo Center, Hours: 8:00 a.m. -- 4:00 p.m. both days.

No pre-registration required. Free to attend!

Event Website:

Center for Automotive Research (CAR) Management Briefing Seminars (MBS)

August 1-4, 2016.

Traverse, City, MI

The Center for Automotive Research (CAR), a nonprofit organization, is focused on a wide variety of important trends and changes related to the automobile industry and society at the international, federal, state and local levels. CAR conducts industry research, develops new methodologies, forecasts industry trends, advises on public policy and sponsors multi-stakeholder communication forums.

This CAR MBS showcases valuable automotive insight, analysis and commentary on a wide variety of topical issues, including manufacturing, policy, economics, technical and economic development and labor.

Automotive stakeholders are encouraged to participate as sponsors, exhibitors and attendees.



Ground Vehicle Systems Engineering & Technology Symposium

& Advance Planning Briefing for Industry

2-4 August 2016

Novi, MI

GVSETS & APBI brings together more than 1,000 executives, program managers, engineers and other key decision makers to discuss initiatives, programs, plans and technologies in the ground domain for both manned and unmanned systems. This is a unique event allows our Ground Vehicle community to learn and collectively collaborate to outline the future course and contribute to the future success of our nation's Warfighters.

The event brings together leaders from the: U.S. Army's Staff; Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC); Research, Development and Engineering Command (RDECOM), Program Executive Offices (PEOs) and U.S. Marine Corp's ground system portfolios. Marketing and showcasing capabilities is another one of the key activities integrated into the program to help ensure decision-makers are aware and knowledgeable about new products and solutions as program strategies are developed and program decisions are made.


SAE North American International Powertrain Conference (NAIPC)

September 21-23, 2016

Rosemont, IL

The NAIPC is planned by the NAIPC Executive Leadership Team, made up of the most senior level powertrain executives in the powertrain business. This exclusive event, provides attendees with an excellent and stimulating technical program with unparalleled networking opportunities. Here, all speakers and topics are carefully selected with the goal of addressing, not only the most important powertrain issues of the day, but also future challenges.

Benefits of attending are unparalleled networking opportunities with global senior powertrain executives, participation in candid discussions about regulatory, technological and strategic powertrain issues, an understanding of North American powertrain trends, challenges and regulations, and non-traditional attendance by academicians, consultants, economists, investment bankers and inventors.


High-Efficiency Truck Users Forum (HTUF)

2016 Date & Location: TBD

Action. Engagement. Collaboration. The High-Efficiency Truck Users Forum represents the process for making change happen in the high-efficiency truck and bus arena. The HTUF 2016 National Meeting is built around action, engagement and collaboration. Industry and military thought leaders will gather to identify and address the barriers to the adoption of high-efficiency truck and bus technologies. This is a working meeting where technical professionals can exchange ideas and information on some of the key issues affecting commercial and military vehicle efficiency, safety and operations. It is also an opportunity for stakeholders in the advanced vehicle technology industry to network with their peers and to raise their visibility within the industry.

HTUF is operated by CALSTART in partnership with and under contract to the U.S. Army TARDEC National Automotive Center (NAC). The Army wants to ensure that future product offerings are capable of meeting high-efficiency military needs at a reasonable acquisition price. HTUF facilitates a unique collaboration between fleets, truck and bus OEMs, suppliers, military, policy makers and other stakeholders, bringing them together for a single mission: accelerating commercialization of high-efficiency technologies for heavy-duty vehicles.

Action-oriented industry working groups are formed to remove barriers and drive greater adoption of new technologies. Using high-impact industry forums, ride & drive events, policy initiatives and new technology deployment, HTUF helps to increase early fleet customer acceptance and speed high-efficiency vehicle technologies to market. HTUF also focuses on expanding high-efficiency vehicle purchase incentive programs to new states and areas.


SAE 2016 Commercial Vehicle Engineering Congress

October 4-6, 2016

Rosemont, Illinois

The SAE 2016 Commercial Vehicle Engineering Congress (COMVEC) brings together a global assembly of both on- and off-road professionals, providing solid, profitable interaction with engineers, supply managers and executives.

This event features:

• Forums, presentations and discussions by commercial vehicle industry leaders and innovators, focusing on global issues relative to technology, business, processes and challenges facing our industry today and tomorrow.

• Cutting-edge technical sessions for engineering professionals to learn, discuss and benefit from the latest trends, technologies and potential solutions.

• Networking opportunities and special events designed to promote professional interaction and collaboration.
