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Army Reserve unit conducts First Army XO briefing for post Boldshift operations

By Spc. David LietzDecember 7, 2015

Army Reserve commander gives opening remarks during First Army XO briefing
1 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Army Reserve Brig. Gen. Frederick R. Maiocco, Jr., commanding general, 85th Support Command, gives opening remarks during the First Army brigade executive officers brief on Dec. 4. The purpose of the briefing was to assist the active component brigad... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
Army Reserve unit conducts First Army XO briefing for post Boldshift operations
2 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Col. Robert Spinelli, Command Executive Officer, 85th Support Command, discusses the Army Reserve recruiting and retention policy during the First Army brigade executive officers brief, Dec. 4. Spinelli said a major part of Operation: Full Court Pres... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
Army Reserve unit conducts First Army XO briefing for post Boldshift operations
3 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Col. Dale Kuehl, left, Chief of Staff, First Army, speaks with Army Reserve Col. Robert Rauchle, Deputy Commanding Officer, 85th Support Command, during a break at the First Army brigade executive officers brief, Dec. 4. The purpose of the briefing w... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
Army Reserve unit conducts First Army XO briefing for post Boldshift operations
4 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Command staff members from First Army, 85th Support Command and First Army brigade teams participate in the First Army brigade executive officers brief, Dec. 4. The purpose of the briefing was to assist the active component brigades better understand... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

ARLINGTON HTS, Ill. - The 85th Support Command headquarters hosted a First Army brigade executive officers (XO) briefing, on Dec. 4-6, during their December battle assembly weekend to better prepare brigade XOs in supporting their assigned Army Reserve


The briefing was more in-depth from the First Army Brigade Commander's Orientation overview brief, conducted this past September, for active component brigade commanders.

"This is something the brigade commanders asked us to do," explained Col. Dale Kuehl, Chief of Staff, First Army. "Basically, we are answering their request. The target audience is the biggest difference. Here we have the brigade executive officers and the brigade S-1 (personnel staff)."

During the three-day huddle, 85th Support Command representatives, from each of the command staff sections, briefed attendees on how various processes, like pay, legal and personnel actions differ between active and reserve components.

"Pay is a big issue," explained Col. Alan Reumann, 181st Infantry Brigade, Fort McCoy, Wisconsin. "We have one individual who is (processing) the finances and budgeting. She is a one-person shop. We have people helping her, but they will be gone shortly so keeping her prepared to continue the mission is going to be difficult."

Perhaps the most important part of the briefing was building relationships between people.

"There is now a unified connection between all of the brigades. Now we have a face, not just a name and number," explained Sgt. 1st Class Glen Fuchs, 177th Armored Brigade, Camp Shelby, Mississippi.

"The most important thing that came out of this is the ability to establish relationships and share contact information," explained Kuehl. "It established a better working relationship in the long run."

Adjusting to the restructuring of the First Army formation, in a post-Boldshift world, Brig. Gen. Frederick R. Maiocco, Jr. Commanding General, 85th Support Command, and the leadership team was in full support of hosting the brief and assisting wherever necessary.

"The 85th Support Command has the word support in it for a reason," explained Col. Robert Grierson, G-3, Operations, 85th Support Command. "We are here to support them and make them a success."