Memories of 'Nam: aviator recalls two tours in Vietnam

By Yvonne JohnsonOctober 22, 2015

Aviator recalls two tours in Vietnam
1 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Retired Lt. Col. Charles Slimowicz, now a resident of Bel Air, Md., is proud that he served fellow with Soldiers in Vietnam. Known as Chas to his friends, Slimowicz was commissioned in 1965 after attending the University of Connecticut. By December ... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
Aviator recalls two tours in Vietnam
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Aviator recalls two tours in Vietnam
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Memories of 'Nam
4 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – This article originally appeared in the "APG News" as part of an ongoing, multi-year series hailing the service members and civilians who served the nation during the war in Vietnam. Giving a voice to local Vietnam veterans, it is through their stori... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

Retired Lt. Col. Charles Slimowicz is proud that he served fellow with Soldiers in Vietnam.

Known as Chas to his friends, Slimowicz was commissioned in 1965 after attending the University of Connecticut. He attended the Armor Office Basic Course at Fort Knox, Kentucky and then the Aviation Flight School at Fort Wolters, Texas.

In December, 1966, at age 22, Slimowicz left Travis Air Force Base, California on a 3 a.m. flight headed for Vietnam. He recalled being tired from the long flight when he arrived in Saigon.

"I was tired but I think my senses were heightened," he said. "It was oppressively hot and I remember the smell of food mixed with body odors. I remember it was dry season and very dusty."

The next day, he was on the back of a truck headed to Cu-Chi, a suburban district of Ho Chi Minh City and the headquarters of the 25th Infantry Division.

Assigned to Alpha Company, 25th Aviation Battalion, 25th Infantry Division, whose call sign was "Little Bears," Slimowicz said he was full of anticipation because he knew a lot about the storied division.

While serving in the UH-1 helicopter company as a pilot, Lt. Slim, as he was called by his Soldiers, flew combat assault and extraction missions as well as reposition and resupply missions and evacuating the wounded.

"Sometimes we'd fly c-rations, hot meals, ammunition, whatever they needed," he said.

He said medevac assignments were the toughest.

"We'd take KIA [Soldiers killed in action] from the mortuary to Saigon," he said. "It was always a somber mission."

He served in Alpha Company until June 1967 when he moved over to the Bravo Company where he went from a pilot to a section leader of gunships and then to fire team leader.

He said he will always remember his first Christmas in-country. On Christmas Day, 1966, he was assigned to fly back-up support for comedian Bob Hope's entertainment show. He got to meet and was photographed with the entertainer and some of the show's cast, including Phyllis Diller, Anita Bryant and Joey Heatherton. He said his high regard for Hope and what he did for America's troops remains.

"He was able to connect with the troops and bring home to them," he said. "And he would make them laugh about their chain of command. He was always on the side of the enlisted."

Slimowicz left Vietnam in December 1967 and went to Hunter Army Airfield in Savannah, Georgia, which was then a part of the Fort Rucker, Alabama aviation school, where he was assigned as an instrument flight instructor.

After attending the Army fixed-wing aircraft course in 1968, he returned to Vietnam in 1969. He flew 01 Birddogs as a platoon leader and operations officer with the 219th Reconnaissance Airplane Company. He said much of his time was spent flying the tri-border area between Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos.

By 1969 the "phase out" had begun, he added. "We supported the 4th Infantry Division which by then was basically nonexistent."

He added that when President Nixon approved going in to Cambodia in May 1970, the mission combat fire support shifted to work directly with the batteries. "At that time, as operations officer, I was more involved with mission assignments," he said.

Slimowicz remained in the Army for 23 years and retired at the rank of lieutenant colonel in 1989. He married his wife Carolyn, a former head nurse at the APG Kirk Army Hospital, in 1977. She retired in 1990, also as a lieutenant colonel. The couple met at Fort Ord, California and accepted a joint domicile assignment to Maryland where he was assigned to Fort Meade while she went to Kirk. They settled in Bel Air.

Today he is a member of American Legion Post #39 where he also serves as a state officer to the Department of Maryland Boys State Program, a program for young men who have completed their junior year in high school, which teaches the fundamentals of democracy, citizen rights and the functions of local, county and state government.

Slimowicz still looks back on his Vietnam years with awe. Despite the nation's attitude toward the conflict he remains proud that he served, satisfied most of his time was spent helping fellow Soldiers.

"Those years give me an appreciation of why I might have been spared and for those who were severely wounded or didn't make it home at all," he said. "We had a special camaraderie and we developed deep friendships. Regardless of the ethnicity, we pulled together to do the mission. It was a way of life and I embraced it. People in civilian life don't have those kinds of experiences to relate too. We took pride in serving our country."

He said he doesn't hesitate to thank today's service members for their service and that he feels his war years helped shape the man he is today.

"It taught me to approach things as an individual effort with a can-do attitude," he said. "If you're going to do something, do it the right way the first time. There may not be a next time."


Like any other war, Vietnam produced an array of veterans. When the conflict ended, some veterans opted to continue service in the military while others returned to civilian life. Some returned with life altering wounds - physical and psychological - while too many others, who never came home at all, remain among the Missing in Action.

On the surface, the veterans of the Vietnam War faced the same challenges as veterans of other wars, except for one glaring difference: they were vilified by American society like no other generation before or since.

Today, nearly 50 years after the war's end, the veterans of Vietnam are in their 60s and 70s. The passage of time has cooled the tempest of indignation that shrouded their homecoming and an ambiance of repentant thanks thrives in its wake. Many still do what they can to serve this nation.

This article originally appeared in the "APG News" as part of an ongoing, multi-year series hailing the service members and civilians who served the nation during the war in Vietnam. Giving a voice to local Vietnam veterans, it is through their stories that we honor their service and sacrifice, and offer a long-overdue "Welcome Home."

The "APG News" is the weekly newspaper produced at Aberdeen Proving Ground, an Army installation located in southern Harford County, Maryland, nearly midway between Washington, D.C. and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. APG is recognized as one of the world's most important research and development, testing and evaluation facilities for military weapons and equipment, and supports the finest teams of military and civilian scientists, research engineers, technicians and administrators.

For more information about the series or the veterans featured, contact "APG News" Editor Amanda Rominiecki at

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