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Submission Guidelines for the TARDEC Ground Vehicle Gateway

By TARDEC External Business OfficeAugust 4, 2015

Reconfigurable N-Post Motion Based Simulator (RNPS)
1 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption – The RNPS conducts durability and performance tests on whole vehicle systems and fifth-wheel trailers. Vertical motion and force inputs are provided to reproduce dynamic conditions experienced at proving grounds. This allows for fatigue testing equiva... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
Power and Energy Vehicle Environmental Laboratory (PEVEL)
2 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Equipped with multiple dynamometers, the PEVEL provides the tools required for full vehicle powertrain testing, evaluation & assessment on wheeled & tracked vehicles through external load control & data collection. PEOs/PMs, manufacturers, academics ... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
Ground Vehicle Gateway (GVG) Logo
3 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption – (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

Submission Guidelines for the TARDEC Ground Vehicle Gateway

The TARDEC Ground Vehicle Gateway is provided as a tool for you to submit written communications to TARDEC. It is intended to be primarily used for military ground vehicle research and development activities, including combat, tactical, and non-tactical vehicles, and ancillary systems.

TARDEC is a research and development organization. We use the Army Contracting Command - Warren to purchase commercial products and services. If you are communicating regarding a commercial product or service please check FedBizOpps at to view solicitations for which your product or service may apply. Also contact your local Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) ( to see if they can assist you with obtaining a contract with the Department of Defense.

TARDEC sorts written communications or submissions into four categories:

 General Questions -- will be answered by TARDEC or sent to the appropriate organization to be answered

 Commercial of-the-shelf (COTS) product information -- is routed to the appropriate technical area for awareness and archive

 Requests to collaborate with TARDEC on one of the specific business mechanisms listed in the TARDEC website such as: Technical Service Agreements (TSA), Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADA), Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) will be evaluated for suitability

 Submissions resulting from your review of the TARDEC Strategy, Capabilities and Opportunities found on the TARDEC Web Site will be evaluated by Subject Matter Experts in the specific technical area.

o In your submission, please include:

- Contact Information: Company Name, website, POC information (Name, email and phone)

- Name or short description of the technology;

- Specific statement of your intent for presenting this technology to the Army;

- Brief summary of the proposed technology, including what it does; how it does it; and the intended application of the technology for military ground vehicles or ancillary systems;

- Estimate of the Technology Readiness Level for the technology being offered (TRL 1 through 9, from table below);

- Results of independent testing, if applicable (can be a separate attachment). Also indicate if any prototypes have (or will be) created and tested.

- List of any patent information; also, indicate if your submission is to be considered as proprietary information.

- List of any conferences or briefings you may have attended for displaying your technology; for briefing your technology to conference audiences; for submitting technical papers; and/ or for gathering more information regarding your technology;

- Possible sources of funding. NOTE: The Army typically only has funding for items publicized by its various procurement branches. If your technology requires funding, identify possible sources of funding from within the federal or state governments, and/or from partnering with another firm to mature your technology.

- List any other DoD labs, other Federal Government labs or Government agencies you are currently providing proposals to or have proposed your technology to on this technology. Or are currently working with, on this technology.

- File Format & Size: Attachments limited to a total of 3. File types accepted: Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF and JPG. Maximum combined file size cannot exceed 10 MB.

Click link to submit to the GVG:

Related Documents:

Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs) in the Department of Defense (DoD) [PDF]

Related Links:

TARDEC Ground Vehicle Gateway (GVG)