Submission Guidelines for the TARDEC Ground Vehicle Gateway
The TARDEC Ground Vehicle Gateway is provided as a tool for you to submit written communications to TARDEC. It is intended to be primarily used for military ground vehicle research and development activities, including combat, tactical, and non-tactical vehicles, and ancillary systems.
TARDEC is a research and development organization. We use the Army Contracting Command - Warren to purchase commercial products and services. If you are communicating regarding a commercial product or service please check FedBizOpps at to view solicitations for which your product or service may apply. Also contact your local Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) ( to see if they can assist you with obtaining a contract with the Department of Defense.
TARDEC sorts written communications or submissions into four categories:
General Questions -- will be answered by TARDEC or sent to the appropriate organization to be answered
Commercial of-the-shelf (COTS) product information -- is routed to the appropriate technical area for awareness and archive
Requests to collaborate with TARDEC on one of the specific business mechanisms listed in the TARDEC website such as: Technical Service Agreements (TSA), Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADA), Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) will be evaluated for suitability
Submissions resulting from your review of the TARDEC Strategy, Capabilities and Opportunities found on the TARDEC Web Site will be evaluated by Subject Matter Experts in the specific technical area.
Please complete the attached .pdf and email this form (expand to extra pages if required) to TARDEC at:
NOTE: Submitting to the TARDEC Ground Vehicle Gateway in no way obligates the US Government, other than in the protection from disclosure of sensitive information to unauthorized third parties. If you include confidential, trade secret and/or proprietary information with your submission, you do so at your own risk. All sensitive information should be labeled accordingly.
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