By Sgt. Aimee Millham, U.S. Army Europe Public Affairs OfficeJuly 28, 2015

HEIDELBERG, Germany -- If you're wondering what your spouses mean when they

say things like the ETA for dinner will be NLT 1900 hours, the Army Family Team

Building program has just the class for you.

The program, part of Army Community

Service, offers four levels of training that teach

family members and Soldiers all there is to

know about the Army, and about becoming

leaders in their communities.

"(We're) teaching the Army one class at a

time," said Diane Smith, U.S. Army Garrison

Heidelberg AFTB program manager.

The training is for Soldiers and civilians alike and students can choose to complete one of the

four AFTB levels or one of the classes within a

level. For example, one of the Level 1 classes is "Military Acronyms and Terms."

Someone interested in taking that class can do so without having to take all 10 classes

which make up Level 1.

Level 1 focuses on the basic skills and knowledge needed to better understand military

life. Level 2 teaches participants how to grow into community leaders. Level 3 goes into

inspiring and mentoring others to take on leadership positions. And finally, Level 4 is for

those interested in becoming AFTB instructors.

Simone Larson says she chose to become an AFTB instructor when her husband


"They offered free child care," she said. "There are different things that lure you in, and

as you get more and more involved in the class, they just really suck you in because it

makes you want to learn more."

She added that the skills taught are not only applicable to day-to-day military life, but to

other leadership positions as well.

This month, the Army revamped Level 3 of the training, and AFTB instructors here were

the first in Europe to teach it -- less than a week after receiving the new course material.

"That was a phenomenal thing for them to do because 70 percent of my instructors are

full-time employees. So it's not like this is the only thing they do," Smith said.

The classes are also offered in Spanish, German and Korean, and can be taken online at The training is also worth promotion points, Smith said.

Besides this training, AFTB offers finance classes, local culture classes and classes on

entitlements and benefits, and other classes tailored to meet the specific needs of units,

organizations or groups, Smith said.

For more information on Heidelberg's AFTB program, call 370-6883. In other

communities, interested participants can contact their local ACS office.