USAG-KA Directorate of Host Nation Activities conducts relationship-building activities with the people and major institutions of the Marshall Islands in order to sustain a stable and cooperative environment permitting continuous access to the physical and human resources required to support range operations and mission success.
The Compact describes the obligations between the United States and the RMI. It was amended in 2003-04 and grants the U.S. certain military and defense rights while providing yearly financial assistance. The two main subsidiary agreements to the Compact are the Military Use and Operating Rights agreement (MUORA) and the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA). The MUORA is an agreement that provides for USAG-KA's use of 11 islands/defense sites in the Kwajalein Atoll.
ECONOMIC INTERACTION: USAG-KA is the second largest employer in the RMI, and all USAG-KA contractors pay RMI income tax. USAG-KA also hosts the Marshallese Trade Fair once a year which brings Marshallese handicrafts, fresh fish, and produce to Kwajalein.
LEADERSHIP ENGAGEMENT: USAG-KA welcomes the opportunity to tell the Kwajalein story to our many distinguished visitors and encourages engagements with our friends and neighbors in the local and national government.
CULTURAL EXCHANGE OPPORTUNITIES: The Marshallese Cultural Society has membership of USAG-KA, Ebeye, and Majuro residents and it continues to promote the Marshallese culture in its many undertakings, such as the Manit Day Celebration.
COMMUNITY RELATIONS: USAG-KA continues to engage the Ebeye community through numerous events. There are frequent engagements between our church communities and volunteers, periodic meetings between the Kwajalein and Ebeye hospitals, and fellowship through sports.
HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE: The U.S. Navy Construction Civic Action Detail (CCAD), or Seabees, perform humanitarian assistance construction projects throughout the Kwajalein Atoll. In 2015, the Seabee detachment renovated the Gugeegue Medical Dispensary, installed exercise stations, and several public works projects. USAG-KA also provides morgue support to Ebeye, medical referrals, EOD support, and search and rescue missions to name a few.
US EMBASSY COORDINATION: USAG-KA works closely with U.S. Ambassador Thomas Armbruster and his team at U.S. Embassy-Majuro. Once a quarter, the U.S. Embassy's consular officer makes a trip to Kwajalein to provide consular services (passports) to Kwajalein residents, as well as support to RMI citizens.
Director of Host Nation Activities: 5-5325
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