Pilot program created for certain federal job series

By Ms. Catrina Francis (IMCOM)June 12, 2015

Beginning June 1 those applying for federal employment will notice a change which has been integrated into the USA staffing system called USA Hire, a pilot program created for certain job series.

The two assessments, occupational questionnaire and mandatory questions, will still be used for positions. The mandatory questions are a requirement for certification, educational and specialized experience.

USA Hire provides online assessment solutions for federal agencies with an emphasis on quality assessment, administered in an unproctored environment that aid in agency decision making, said Erika Jaskolski, the director of Fort Knox's Civilian Personnel Advisory Center.

She added that USA Hire will be integrated into the USA staffing system for recruitment.

"USA Hire (is) more objective than self-certification training and experience questionnaire, (which) meets all legal guidelines and professional standards," explained Jaskolski. "(USA Hire is also a) whole person assessment (that) allow agencies to target key competencies and occupations."

She added that additional competencies assessed are reading, reasoning, integrity and honesty, however, there are approximately 20 different competencies that may be assessed.

Jaskolski also said that the assessments differ depending on the job to which applicants are applying. Once an applicant applies for a position they will receive an email from the Office of Personnel Management instructing them to fill out a competency test, which is mandatory for that position. Once the email is received from OPM the applicant has 48 hours after the closing of the job vacancy to complete the test. She added that applicants can log out of the exam and complete it at a later time as long as the exam is completed within 48 hours after the closing. Although the exam isn't proctored by an agency, Jaskolski said applicants must certify their responses to assessment items are correct and provided in good faith.

She added that the certification page states, "Cheating or other dishonest conduct when completing the online assessments may lead to your disqualification from the application process and from seeking federal employment in the future."

Applicant responses are subject to investigation and identified cheating or unauthorized use of the platform may lead to serious penalties.

Jaskolski said applicants shouldn't rush through the test because the test scores remain on file for one year and are used for positions within the same grade and series. She added that rushing through the exam isn't in the person's favor.

"Applicants have to invest 90 minutes to three hours in addition to the questionnaire and building

(their) resume," she said about applying for a position which requires an exam.

Although USA Hire is an additional tool for managers, Jaskolski said managers have the option of using it as a standalone assessment or combine USA Hire with an assessment questionnaire in USA Staffing.

"When combining a rating assessment questionnaire in USA Staffing with USA Hire standard assessments, the rating assessment questionnaire must only measure technical competencies and general competencies not already assessed through USA Hire."

The pilot program runs through Sept. 30 and Jaskolski isn't sure if it will continue after this date.

The USA Hire Army pilot program will affect all pathways to include intern and recent graduate's recruitment. This does not apply to the area of consideration limited to internal pathways not to exceed, personnel management GS-021-9 through 12 vacancies, pathways student trainee GS-02 99-03 through GS-09 vacancies, management and program analysis GS-343-9 through 13--all internal and external recruitment, accounting technician GS-525-4 through 8--all internal

and external recruitment and Budget analysis GS-560-5 through 13--all internal and external recruitment.

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Pilot program