Fort Drum MEDDAC, River Hospital take team approach to Soldier wellness

By Fort Drum Public AffairsJune 4, 2015

FORT DRUM, N.Y. (June 4, 2015) -- The Fort Drum U. S. Army Medical Department Activity, or MEDDAC, will establish an Intensive Outpatient Program for Soldiers who seek behavioral health therapy for trauma, but officials expect to continue sending Soldiers to the River Community Wellness Program at River Hospital located in Alexandria Bay.

While there has been considerable concern that the planned growth of Fort Drum behavioral health capabilities would effectively end the post's relationship with the River Hospital, the fact is that the current level of Soldiers seeking enrollment in the IOP will actually require an integrated team approach for some time to come.

"Our need for quality support to our Soldiers suffering from the effects of trauma remains an enduring requirement as Fort Drum continues to answer our nation's call as the most deployed division in our Army," said Maj. Gen. Jeffrey L. Bannister, 10th Mountain Division (LI) and Fort Drum commander. "I appreciate that this plan allows us to sustain the utilization of the great program River Hospital provides while adding our own growing capabilities to the solution. It also allows the administration at River Hospital more time to diversify their business model as we greatly look forward to a time where our utilization rate decreases because we are sending fewer Soldiers into harm's way."

The establishment of the Fort Drum IOP is in accordance with a U.S. Army Medical Command directive aimed at standardizing IOPs across the Army and reducing variations in service levels for Soldiers. The expectation is that the Fort Drum IOP will be operational by October and will service up to 10 Soldiers per program rotation, which can last for up to six weeks.

Currently, 27 Fort Drum Soldiers participate in the River Community Wellness Program at River Hospital, a rate that has been typical during the high deployment tempo over the last several years.

Both military and community providers are committed to ensuring the same high quality level of care is provided at each facility; however, the Fort Drum program will be different from the current River Hospital program in that there will not be rolling enrollment. Therefore, when Soldiers seek treatment while a trauma track is already in progress, the MEDDAC can refer those Soldiers to a program off post within the TRICARE network. River Hospital's ability to bring Soldiers into its program on an as-needed basis will be a valuable asset to the team approach at providing the best possible health care to one of the nation's most important assets -- its Soldiers.

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