Dragoon Ride: 2d Cav. Regt. returns home to Germany

By U.S. Army Europe Public AffairsApril 2, 2015

Dragoon Ride: 2d Cav. Regt. returns home to Germany
1 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Operation Dragoon Ride, the 2d Cavalry Regiment's historic 1,100-mile road march across Eastern Europe, ended April 1, as three separate convoys drove from Estonia, Lithuania and Poland to the Czech Republic and back to the unit's home at Rose Barrac... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
Dragoon Ride: 2d Cav. Regt. returns home to Germany
2 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Operation Dragoon Ride, the 2d Cavalry Regiment's historic 1,100-mile road march across Eastern Europe, ended April 1, as three separate convoys drove from Estonia, Lithuania and Poland to the Czech Republic and back to the unit's home at Rose Barrac... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

VILSECK, Germany -- More than 400 Soldiers assigned to U.S. Army Europe's 2d Cavalry Regiment completed a historic 1,100 mile road march across Eastern Europe April 1.

The road march, dubbed Operation Dragoon Ride, began as Stryker Armored Vehicles driving from Estonia, Lithuania and Poland towards the unit's home base at Rose Barracks, here.

All three convoys of vehicles converged in the Czech Republic and then, together, continued home.

Altogether the convoy consisted of approximately 100 vehicles and included around 60 Stryker Armored Vehicles.

In addition to the Soldiers of 2d Cav. Regt., Soldiers from 4th Infantry Division's Mission Command Element, from Fort Carson, Colorado, provided oversight and assistance throughout the operation.

Helicopters from the 12th Combat Aviation Brigade, Army logisticians from the 21st Theater Sustainment Command, NATO jets and U.S. Air Force assets also assisted in the mission's success.

Operation Dragoon Ride's vehicles began marching home on March 21, marking the effort to showcase NATO unity and solidarity the longest vehicular road march by U.S. forces in Eastern Europe since World War II.


About us: U.S. Army Europe is uniquely positioned in its 51 country area of responsibility to advance American strategic interests in Europe and Eurasia. The relationships we build during more than 1,000 theater security cooperation events in more than 40 countries each year lead directly to support for multinational contingency operations around the world, strengthen regional partnerships and enhance global security.

Dragoon Ride: 2CR through Bavaria

2CR returns to Vilseck

Related Links:

12th Combat Aviation Brigade

2d Cavalry Regiment

U.S. Army Europe

21st Theater Sustainment Command

More photos and videos from the homecoming ceremony

Dragoon Ride Vlog