Watervliet Arsenal's Monthly Newsletter: The Salvo

By John B. SnyderApril 1, 2015

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(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

A gathering of key stories and photos that capture some of the action at the Army's manufacturing center at Watervliet, New York for the month of March 2015. The Arsenal has been in continuous operation since the War of 1812. This is a low resolution newsletter and so, if you would like a higher resolution copy send a note to: WVAPublicAffairs@conus.army.mil

Lead Story: Watervliet Arsenal said this month that they have designed a significant improvement to the M119 105mm towed-howitzer system that if adopted by the U.S. Army will reduce Soldiers' risk to health complications from blast over- pressures.

Other Stories:

-Commander's Column

-Helping first responders, each other via CPR

-200 years later, still in search of perfection

-Building students' mettle

Related Links:

Watervliet Arsenal's Flickr Page

Watervliet Arsenal's Slideshare Page

Link to Watervliet Arsenal's March newsletter: The Salvo

Watervliet Arsenal's YouTube Page

Watervliet Arsenal's Twitter Page

Watervliet Arsenal's Facebook Page