Open application period for Army Civilian leadership training

By Mr. Richard Bumgardner (ASA(M&RA))March 25, 2015

Human resources specialists discuss leadership training process for Army Civilians
1 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Angel Maldonado, left, the program manager for the Department of Army's recently developed Enterprise Talent Management program or ETM, talks with Tim McLean and Robert Green, right, about applicant requirements for the ETM program. ETM is designed ... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
Career planning
2 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Judith Hudson, right, a senior civilian manager at the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management office in the Pentagon, talks to Katrina Easley, also from ACSIM, about her civil service career development. The ACSIM office has a number o... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

WASHINGTON -- (Mar 25, 2015) The Assistant Secretary of the Army for Manpower & Reserve Affairs (ASA (M&RA)) announced the open application period for the highly competitive Senior Enterprise Talent Management program (GS-14/15s and equivalents) and the newly developed Enterprise Talent Management program (GS-12/13s and equivalents), on March 25, 2015.

Known as SETM and ETM, all interested applicants for these leadership training and development programs can self-nominate from 27 March through 15 May 2015 by completing an application on the CAC-enabled SETM system website:

SETM and ETM are designed for career civilians who want the skills and experiences necessary to perform in positions of increased responsibilities in an Army enterprise environment, one that has multiple occupations and classification systems.

"We need to encourage and support our Army Civilians to apply for these two important programs," said Gwen DeFilippi, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civilian Personnel, Office of the ASA (M&RA). "These programs position the Army to deliberately develop civilian leaders for the increasingly complex duties of leading in an evolving Army."

The programs combine existing leadership courses like the Senior Service Colleges, Defense Senior Leader / Executive Leader Development Programs, Command and General Staff Officer Course with need opportunities such as developmental TDYs, fellowships, details, reassignments and shadowing.

"SETM and ETM target different grade levels, have different pre-requisites and application requirements. But they share the first step: notifying your supervisor you are interested in being developed and plan to apply," said Edmund Shaw, Chief of Civilian Senior Leader Development Division (CSLDD), ASA M&RA.

"Then the applicant should research and determine for which training modules he or she qualifies and wants to apply. Applicants should know that they can apply for more than one module of training. They also need to be proactive with their applications because some of the more competitive modules have more extensive requirements," explained Shaw.

He also recommended that all applicants study and use the Applicant Checklists. These checklists should be used to verify all application requirements are complete. They also lay out details of the programs.

Once an applicant has collected and uploaded all required documents to the SETM application website, local command boards will vet the prospective candidates and make their endorsements. Then nominations will move to HQDA and (if applicable) DoD boards. These boards will select the final cohort and results will be published in December 2015. Those selected will begin their programs in calendar year 2016.

"The 2014 SETM class was extremely competitive," said Tim McLean, SETM Program Manager at CSLDD. "At the end of the selection process, 81 students were accepted to begin their leadership development."

All Army GS-12s through GS-15s and equivalent pay bands/scales should have already been notified of these programs through official email. For those that haven't received official notification, contact your organization's human resources department.

For more information go to the SETM system website at: Questions specific to SETM can be directed to Mr. Tim McLean, SETM Program Manager, at (703) 695-7987 or via email at: Questions specific to ETM can be directed to Mr. Angel Maldonado, ETM Program Manager at:

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