Arrows and arrowheads are symbols frequently used in US Army insignia designs since they refer to items historically used in warfare and defense. The three arrowheads symbolize the designation of the 3D Sustainment Command (Expeditionary). The patch... VIEW ORIGINAL
Constituted 14 September 1950 in the Army of the United States as Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 3d Logistical Command
Activated 19 September 1950 in Japan
Allotted 23 November 1951 to the Regular Army
Inactivated 20 March 1953 in Korea
Activated 5 November 1958 in France
Headquarters, 3d Logistical Command, reorganized and redesignated 24 June 1961 as Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 3d Logistical Command (Headquarters Company, 3d Logistical Command, concurrently disbanded)
Inactivated 2 June 1969 in Germany
Redesignated 23 September 1974 as Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 3d Support Command, and activated in Germany
Redesignated 18 October 1988 as Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 3d Corps Support Command
Relocated 15 June 2007 to Ft. Knox, KY
Redesignated effective 15 Sep 2007 as 3D Sustainment Command (Expeditionary)
Campaign Participation Credit
-Korean War
-UN Offensive
-CCF Intervention
-First UN Counteroffensive
-CCF Spring Offensive
-UN Summer-Fall Offensive
-Second Korean Winter
-Korea Summer-Fall 1952
-Third Korean Winter
-Operation Iraqi Freedom I
-Operation Iraqi Freedom IV
-Operation Iraqi Freedom 08-10
-Operation Enduring Freedom 11-12
-Operation Enduring Freedom 14
-Republic of Korea Presidential Unit Citation, Streamer embroidered Korea 1950-1952
-Republic of Korea Presidential Unit Citation, Streamer embroidered Korea 1952-1953
-Operation Iraqi Freedom I Meritorious Unit Citation, Stream embroidered Southwest Asia, 19 Mar 2003 - 18 Feb 2004
-Operation Iraqi Freedom IV Meritorious Unit Citation, Streamer embroidered Southwest Asia, 5 Oct 2005 - 19 Sept 2006
-Operation Enduring Freedom (2011-2012) Meritorious Unit Citation
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