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13 businesses awarded Utility Monitoring and Control Systems contracts

By Julia Bobick, U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center, HuntsvilleFebruary 24, 2015

UMCS IV kickoff
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (Feb. 24, 2015) -- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville awarded the last of 13 contractors to the fourth generation of its Utility Monitoring and Control Systems (UMCS) Multiple Award Task Order Contract (MATOC) in January. Representatives from the pool of contractors gathered for a post-award kickoff meeting Feb. 18 at the University of Alabama in Huntsville campus.

"We talk to them as a group about UMCS IV and we walk them through the contract and program management, as well as our small business goals," said Program Manager Steve Goolsby. Though the majority of the contractors have previously worked with Huntsville Center, Goolsby said it is important to go over performance expectations and share current issues across the various programs and projects under the UMCS MATOC umbrella. The Center's Electronic Security Systems (ESS) and the Army Central Metering Program also share the $2.5 billion capacity MATOC, the second largest capacity MATOC at the Center.

During the five-year contract period through January 2020, the 13 companies are now able to compete for task orders to deliver UMCS, Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Systems (to include chillers, boilers, air handling units and ductwork systems installation and/or integration), Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition systems, Fire Alarm Systems, life safety control systems, chemical / biological / radiological contaminant detection/filtration, utilities (electric/gas/water) metering and ESS services to Department of Defense and other federal agencies worldwide.

"Customers come to us from around the world with their work requirements and funding, and they hire us as a reimbursable organization to manage projects for them that enhance their capability to achieve the federally mandated energy goals and objectives," Goolsby said.

Huntsville Center is the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Utility Monitoring and Control Systems Mandatory Center of Expertise (UMCS MCX) to provide quality oversight and technical expertise in the design and installation of UMCS. The UMCS MCX is the backbone to a turnkey program offering comprehensive, professional, high-quality, reliable, cost-effective and cyber secure products and technical solutions for customers.

Huntsville Center followed a new staggered award process for the UMCS IV contract, according to Tonju Butler, the Contracting Directorate Preaward Branch chief. The first three companies, which all had no deficiencies, were directly awarded contracts in August to give the UMCS program the option to use the contract vehicle to meet missions before the end of fiscal year 2014. The previous MATOC's capacity had been expended. The remaining contractors were awarded in January.

"We also awarded using a combined suite, announcing it as unrestricted but with a $500 million small business set aside because we felt this was such a great opportunity for small businesses," Butler said. Up to $500 million of task orders for the $2.5 billion capacity MATOC will be open only to small businesses. Both large and small businesses can compete for task orders for the unrestricted pool, increasing the opportunity for small business, she said.

The following five small and eight large businesses were awarded contracts from August 2014 to January 2015. Goolsby said companies could be removed and/or additional companies added to the pool if needed through the on-ramp-off-ramp process, which is subject to the same proposal instructions and evaluation procedures as contained in the original solicitation. This could occur once every 12 months during the contract period, according to Butler.

• Eaton

• EPC Service*

• Evergreen Fire Alarms*

• Exp Federal

• Honeywell Technology Solutions

• Infotec Systems*

• Johnson Controls

• Schneider Electric Buildings Americas

• Secure Mission Solutions

• SEI Group*

• Siemens Government Technologies

• Spectrum Solutions*

• Williams Electric Company

*Small businesses

Related Links:

U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville

UMCS Program Information

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