BREAKING NEWS: Youth learn valuable skills though journalism club

By Sgt. Jarred WoodsJanuary 14, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Youth learn valuable skills though journalism club
From left: Natalie Sartain, 13 and Daijshia Silcott, 14, both writers with the Milam Youth Activity Center's Journalism Club, work on a story at the MYAC at Fort Bliss, Texas. The club produces a monthly newsletter featuring MYAC activities and adver... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT BLISS, Texas - Extra, extra, read all about it! Bliss youth discover amazing possibilities with incredible journalistic abilities!

The Milam Youth Activity Center here offers several activities such as games, sports, talent shows and different clubs. Yet, only one outlet plays an integral role within the activity center itself.

MYAC's Journalism Club, open to youth in the grades of 6 through 12, produces a monthly newsletter featuring MYAC activities and future events, keeping everyone in the activity center informed. Members also work with the Photo Club, which provides pictures for the newsletter.

"We get to share what we think and what we're doing," said Aubrey Harris, 11, a writer for the MYAC's Journalism Club. "If someone is bored and they don't know what to do, they can read our newsletter and find out what's going on."

The production of the newsletter benefits club members by teaching them important computer skills, how to compose a story for a reading audience and how to design a newsletter.

"I think it's a great club to be a part of because it helps you with writing and typing," said Eli Hindbaugh, 13, a writer for the MYAC's Journalism Club. "If I'm in college or I have to write long papers, it will help me get everyone interested and informed."

"Some of the kids come in and they don't know how to use the computer," said Ilana Viljoen, a group facilitator with the MYAC. "We teach them how to use a publishing program and Microsoft Word. We also show them how to use Photoshop. We don't just work on one aspect."

Learning essential computer skills isn't the only rewarding aspect of the club. Members also get the chance to have their work archived and read by others.

"The kids get to read what other kids have written," added Viljoen. "Parents also feel proud when they get to read something their child wrote."

In this way, the MYAC Journalism Club doesn't just establish writing and computer skills, it gives members a chance to showcase their talents while fostering creativity. Moreover, the club is always interested in gaining new members.

For more information about the MYAC Journalism Club or other activities, contact the Milam Youth Activity Center at 915-744-2449.