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TLSC-E provides logistical support to Operation United Assistance

By CourtesyDecember 9, 2014

TLSC-E provides logistical support to Operation United Assistance
1 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Workers with the Theater Logistics Support Center - Europe build pallets to be used to transport much needed supplies in support of Operation United Assistance. TLSC-E is providing valuable logistical support to operations in West Africa. (Photo cour... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
TLSC-E provides logistical support to Operation United Assistance
2 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – A forklift loads a container onto a flatbed truck operated by the Theater Logistics Support Center - Europe in support of Operation United Assistance. TLSC-E is providing valuable logistical support to operations in West Africa. (Photo courtesy of t... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

KAISERSLAUTERN, Germany - Employees of the Theater Logistic Support Center - Europe work behind the scenes in order to provide crucial sustainment support to the Defense Logistics Agency's Europe and Africa Regional Command's monumental effort in providing the initial supplies of food, water, cots, and tents on the ground in Monrovia, Africa.

DLA Europe and Africa, in conjunction with US Army Africa, established a Joint Force Headquarters in Monrovia to coordinate military support for the U.S. Agency for the International Development-led comprehensive U.S. Government response to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.

The team at TLSC-E's Supply Activity Europe loaded a total of 195 twenty-foot equivalent units on 6966th Transportation Truck Terminal and 66th Transportation Company vehicles en route to the DLA distribution warehouse in Germersheim and to the port of Rotterdam. The SAE's mission is to provide theater-level general and direct support and distribution services to Multi-national forces in support of U.S. Army Europe and combatant commanders and receive, store, maintain, issue, and retrograde material and supplies.

Located on the Kaiserslautern Army Depot, they manage, maintain, and repair the theater's containers in support of both U.S. European Command and U.S. African Command. The SAE team was able to inspect, document, and load the containers in one day.

In addition to loading 20-foot equivalent units, the SAE Box and Crates team builds approximately 100 wooden warehouse pallets per day in support of these efforts for Operation United Assistance.

To date, they have built over 900 pallets and received an order for 2,000 more pallets for OUA and over 21,500 for the 2014 fiscal year. The box and crates division used a total of 455,796 board feet of lumber this is equivalent to just over 24 truck/trailer loads since January of this year.

The wood is locally procured and heat treated on site at KAD by SAE personnel. They are well-trained, certified, and authorized to stamp the wood as certified. Each piece of wood is International Plant Protection Convention certified.

The IPPC is part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and has the International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures applied. These are guidelines for regulating wood packaging material in international trade.

Related Links: Europe News

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