Sisters in Arms volunteer during turkey drive

By Ms. Dottie K. White (USASMDC/ARSTRAT)November 20, 2014

Stuff the Bird
Dressed a turkey, Maj. Brenda Grusing (right), U.S. Army Space and Missile
Defense Command/Army Forces Strategic Command, 1st Space Brigade, prepares for a turkey dance off Nov. 17 at the Marian House Stuff the Bird Turkey Drive in Colorado Springs, ... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army)

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. -- Sisters in Arms, members of the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command/Army Forces Strategic Command's 1st Space Brigade, volunteered their time to help families in need during the Marian House Soup Kitchen Stuff the Bird Turkey Drive Nov. 17 here.

Marian House will use the monetary and frozen turkey donations for Thanksgiving meals at the soup kitchen and for holiday food boxes for families in need.

Staff Sgt. Isabelle Bolin, Sisters in Arms noncommissioned officer in charge, explained what the female organization is all about.

"Sisters in Arms is a female mentorship program based out of Peterson Air Force Base that strives to help female Soldiers grow their professional career as well as grow in their personal lives," Bolin said. "We find the holidays to be a great opportunity to give back to the community by volunteering our time to deliver goods just in time for Thanksgiving to families in need."

In addition to Bolin, other volunteers who supported the event were Maj. Brenda Grusing, Master Sgt. Kishma Thomas, Sgt. 1st Class Nadia Carter, Sgt. Jennifer Burnett, Spc. Courtney Henry, Spc. Patrice Miles, and Pfc. Jessica Idrovo.

Grusing, who dressed as a turkey, found the event to be a very rewarding experience.

"The services the Marian House provides is awesome, and it was personally rewarding to be able to volunteer and support them," she said. "Dressing up as a turkey was a ton of fun, and I would definitely do it again. I hope people saw me dancing around on the corner, and it encouraged them to buy a turkey and bring it over."

According to their website, Marian House Soup Kitchen serves more than 600 meals a day throughout the year.

"There are many organizations like the Marian House that serve our community," Grusing said. "I was amazed to hear they serve 600 meals a day with 30 percent in support of the homeless and the rest to low-income families. These organizations have to rely on the community for support, and events like this are just one way our community can help itself."

Grusing is a big supporter of Sisters in Arms and encourages more people to join.

"I hope that the 1st Space Brigade Sisters in Arms program can encourage our female Soldiers both professionally and personally to achieve their goals," said Grusing. "They are not alone and have a strong support system if and when they ever need it. Additionally, opportunities to support our community can really broaden a person and be personally fulfilling. I encourage all of our women to participate in the Sisters in Arms program, make new friends and have some fun."