Soldiers Soon to have Electromagnetic Battlefield Management Tool

By Adrienne MoudyOctober 16, 2014

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WASHINGTON D.C.---Day one of the Annual Association of the United States Army meeting and exposition is stacked full of briefings and panels to discuss current conflicts and long-term plans for the Army. With an increasing congested and contested electromagnetic spectrum, plans for the future electromagnetic battlefield are an increasing priority for the future of warfare within the Army.

Army Electronic Warfare division chief, Colonel Jim Ekvall held a media briefing to announce the upcoming EW planning and management tool known as the EWPMT on October 13th. Raytheon director of Airborne Information Operations Frank Pietryka attended the briefing to introduce and give a brief background on the tool as Raytheon was recently awarded the contract to build EWPMT.

This tool will be a software system that will allow Soldiers to synchronize electronic warfare operations while deployed. Currently the Army does not have a specific tool that allows the Soldiers this operating capability.

EWPMT will have 22 separate and distinct functions. These functions will allow communicating and integrating electromagnetic battlefield operations into a much more simplified process.

Ekvall gave an overview on the software tool, stating that the tool will reach initial operating capability in fiscal year 2015 and will be tested in several units during the third quarter.

"The EWO community is very excited for EWPMT, all wish they could be the IOC," said Ekvall.

This tool will be completed in six phases and at the end of fiscal year 2019 the tool is scheduled to be fully operational across the Army.

"Congratulations to Raytheon on being awarded the contract to build the Army's Electronic Warfare Planning and Management Tool (EWPMT)," said Ekvall. "EWPMT will be an integral software system for the warfighter which will allow EWOs to plan, coordinate and synchronize electronic warfare operations across the spectrum. Currently the Army does not have an EW planning tool, and EWPMT will revolutionize the way in which Soldiers conduct EW operations on the battlefield."

EWPMT is one of three parts of the Army's long-term plans for the Integrated Electronic Warfare System or IEWS. IEWS will be comprised of not only EWPMT, but the multi-function electronic warfare or MFEW and defensive electronic attack DEA.

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