FORT SHAFTER, Hawaii -- Col. Kevan F. Jacobson, Col. Richard J. Kramer, and Sgt. 1st Class Foster K. Folger were honored during a Celebration of Service ceremony Oct. 10 held in their honor at historic Palm Circle, Fort Shafter, Hawaii.
The U.S. Army Pacific's Celebration of Service ceremony recognizes Soldiers for their distinguished service to U.S. Army Pacific and the United States as they prepare to transition into new careers.
This was the second USARPAC Celebration of Service with the intent of honoring retiring service members quarterly.
USARPAC's Commanding General, Gen. Vincent K. Brooks, officiated the ceremony and spoke to the audience about how Jacobson, Kramer and Folger's careers have impacted USARPAC.
"It is an honor to bring forth Soldiers on historic Palm Circle where Soldiers have been brought forth in front of the Colors--front and centered--for more than 103 years on this very same field," said Brooks. It is a great privilege to recognize Soldiers out of our formation, so we can pause and reflect on their contributions and sacrifices."
Brooks stated that every Soldier had a story to tell and that the three Soldiers before him were leaving a legacy for the rest of USARPAC to remember.
"It's been a fulfilling career," said Kramer, a logistician for USARPAC. "This is all part of transition though. I've known that I was going to retire since the day I started, so you plan it and then you execute it and it's seamless. You know if I had to do it all over again, I would, I have no regrets joining."
As Brooks said, "this is a celebration," but all good things must come to an end.
"This is a bitter-sweet end for me but, I'm ready to move on," said Folger, an explosive ordinance disposal technician. "My Army career was very fulfilling. I've achieved all of my goals, met my beautiful wife and made a wonderful family. Now, I'm ready to move on to phase two of my life. However, if I had to do it all over again, I would do another 20 years."
Before the honorees individually received their retirement awards, Brooks took one last moment to collectively thank the honorees and let them know that their services and sacrifices were greatly appreciated.
"I just want to thank each of the honorees for all of the services rendered, sacrifices made, challenges endured by each family, and all of the impacts made on the lives of Soldiers, families and many others throughout these 82 years of service," said Brooks. "You made us a better Army, and no doubt a better USARPAC. Your presence will be felt for years to come. It lives on in the behavior and legacy of every person that you have touched. Know that we are all positively affected and we're better because you all were here."
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