WASHINGTON (Sept. 9, 2014)--The U.S. Army will host an annual health fair Sept. 9, which is open to all Pentagon personnel and other Department of Defense employees within the National Capital Region. The opening ceremony will be held on the Pentagon Center Courtyard stage and begins at 9 a.m.
Mr. Karl Schneider, Assistant Secretary of the Army for Manpower and Reserve Affairs (acting), is scheduled to host this event; serving as an annual Army- and DoD-wide commencement for observing National Suicide Awareness Month. Though the military executes yearlong awareness and prevention campaigns, the Services join the nation in September to amplify suicide prevention/ intervention efforts and emphasize the importance of resilience-building for Service members, Civilians and Family members.
This year's theme is "Enhancing Resiliency--Strengthening Our Professionals."
Mr. Eric Hipple, former Detroit Lions quarterback, is scheduled to be the featured speaker. Hipple, an advocate for suicide awareness, is devoted to building awareness and breaking down the stigma associated with depressive illnesses, since the loss of his 15-year-old son, Jeff, to suicide.
Following the completion of the opening ceremony, Service members, Civilians and their Families are invited to visit more than 30 exhibits dedicated to spread awareness about health and wellness, risk reduction, and prevention and intervention of suicides, and meet current professional football players supporting this effort. The health fair will run from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday.
Media interested in covering this event must RSVP with ASA M&RA/Army G-1 Public Affairs office no later than 4 p.m., Sept. 8, by contacting Paul Prince at (703) 697-2444/ Paul.D.Prince.civ@mail.mil.
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