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Civilian ER docs help New York Guard medics hone emergency medical skills

By Sgt. 1st Class Steven PetiboneAugust 19, 2014

ER room doctors share skills with New York Army National Guard medics
1 / 5 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Dr. Anar Patel, an emergency doctor at Albany Medical Center, N.Y., slowly works a laryngoscope through the throat of a mannequin in order to open the air passage and place an endotracheal tube into the lungs, so that a bag-mask ventilator can be app... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
New York Army National Guard medics hone skills at annual training
2 / 5 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Sgt. Rachelle Cunningham, left, a team leader in Medical Command, New York Army National Guard, from Lee Center, N.Y., guides her team toward a Humvee during "hot zone" evacuation training. Her team successfully diagnosed and treated a simulated casu... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
ER doctors help New York Army Natioanal Guard medics hone skills
3 / 5 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Soldiers from Medical Command, New York Army National Guard are assisted by Dr. Anar Patel, an emergency room physician from Albany Medical Center, N.Y., as they insert a chest tube into a computerized training mannequin, during an exercise at Camp S... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
ER doctors help New York Army National Guard medics hone skills during annual training
4 / 5 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Pfc. Tyler Kinzel, a Port Jervis, N.Y., resident assigned to Medical Command, New York Army National Guard, begins bag-mask ventilating a medical mannequin after inserting an endotracheal tube through the esophagus, under the direction of Dr. Anar Pa... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
ER doctors help New York Army National Guard medics hone skills
5 / 5 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Soldiers assigned to Medical Command, New York Army National Guard, gather around Dr. Erica Igbindghene, an emergency room physician from Albany Medical Center, N.Y., as she outlines the procedure for tracheal intubation, a medical term for insertio... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

CAMP SMITH TRAINING SITE, N.Y. (Aug. 19, 2014) -- New York Army National Guard medical Soldiers turned their training up a notch Aug. 5, when they got some hands-on instruction from experienced emergency room doctors.

Dr. Anar Patel, an emergency medicine associate professor and Dr. Erica Igbindghene, another emergency medicine specialist, took a day away from their regular jobs at Albany Medical Center in New York, to share their specialist skills with the Medical Command, or MEDCOM, Soldiers.

The two have three years of combined experience working as resident physicians in the medical center's emergency room.

"Working with a few civilian counterparts gives our Soldiers an edge," said Col. James Coleman, the New York Army National Guard state surgeon. "They (the doctors) provide a level of training that most of the Soldiers haven't gotten before, especially in emergency situations, while manning a Combat Support Hospital."

The doctors spent the entire day instructing small groups of Soldiers on two key life-saving skills.

Working with a medical mannequin at Camp Smith's Medical Simulation Center, they taught the Soldiers how to insert a laryngoscope through the throat in order to open an air passage. They also taught the medical troops how to put an endotracheal tube into the lungs, so that a bag-mask ventilator can be applied to assist a patient's breathing.

The Medical Simulation Center is filled with advanced-level hospital-based medical mannequins that are connected to computers. These computers monitor the vital signs of the computerized "patients" so that the students know what works best in a life-saving emergency.

Sgt. Rachelle Cunningham, a medic team leader from Lee Center, N.Y., said that training with the emergency room doctors was extremely useful.

When her Soldiers went through the training, she made it a point to have a junior Soldier take charge of each drill.

"I like to place the younger Soldiers who are not experienced into a more senior role," Cunningham said. "By doing that, they are forced to see things their way, and then later make suggestions that we might not have thought of during the training."

Along with honing their medical skills, the MEDCOM Soldiers also worked on basic military skills like map reading and land navigation. In one exercise, for example, the troops had to navigate their way to the simulation center and then treat wounded troops coming in from the field, including working with Patel and Igbindghene.

For the two emergency room doctors, their day training with the National Guard was very worthwhile, Patel said.

"I'm definitely all in for this type of training," she said. "I will spread the word around Albany Medical Center about the high level of training that the New York National Guard does here, and bring more doctors here the next time."

Related Links:

National Guard News

New York State Division of Military and Naval Affairs