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Town hall stresses personal communications over digital

By Caitryn Lim, 311th Signal Command (Theater) Public AffairsJuly 9, 2014

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FORT SHAFTER -- Soldiers and civilians from units of the 311th Signal Command (Theater) held a town hall in the old dining facility, here, Wednesday.

"The purpose of our work is to act as enablers," explained Maj. Gen. Lawrence Brock III, commander, 311th SC (T).

Brock stressed the importance of the command's work in support of U.S. Army-Pacific and various unit commanders.

Tasks done by the 311th SC (T) are comparable to that of a customer service business, said Brock, thus the need for effective communication in a community that's social and active.

He stressed the need for personal interaction to maintain a constant face-to-face relationship between co-workers to ensure issues are communicated in a more thorough and efficient manner. For example, news regarding unfinished work should be communicated in person, rather than through emails.

"Our job is to have a relationship with the people around us," Brock said. "My expectation is that if someone asks a question, we can't just say no right off

the bat."

Instead, he explained, a person must ensure that questions receive an appropriate answer.

Town hall participants took the opportunity to ask the senior signalman questions that ranged from the retirement of warrant officers to Brock's standpoint on family issues, even a personal account of his experience as a young battle captain.

Brock spoke about the command's next steps to "figure out a place in the world for the 311th," noting that it brings many irreplaceable facets to the table.

In general, the 311th's practice is to take care of issues immediately, as they come up, rather than pass them on to others; to remain up to standard with physical fitness goals; and to deliver awards to Soldiers in a timely manner.

These policies resonate with Brock's personal philosophy of how the team will support overall mission accomplishment.

"One team, one fight," said Brock, stressing that it didn't matter if a member of the 311th SC (T) was a Soldier, Army civilian or a contractor. "We are all in the same boat, rowing in the same direction."

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