Army tests driverless vehicles in 'living lab'

GCN - July 16, 2014

In its search for ways to most effectively employ autonomous vehicles on military bases, a team led by the Army's Tank Automotive Research, Development and Engineering Center (TARDEC), is putting its primary focus on the process rather than the product.

ARL, TARDEC work to defeat laser threats that could blind soldiers

Defense Systems - July 14, 2014

In conjunction with developing new laser weapons for its ships and vehicles, the military is also looking to protect its own soldiers from laser threats.

Before long, Soldiers in tactical vehicles in the battle-space could get help from autonomous systems.

Bayonet & Saber - July 1, 2014

These systems will provide increased situational awareness and decrease the probability of accidents using safety features such as obstacle detection, collision avoidance, lane departure, tip-over warnings and vision enhancements for low-visibility conditions. In the future, some of those vehicles could even be completely driverless.

GMZ Energy Announces Successful Testing of a 200 Watt High Temperature Thermoelectric Generator

Financial Mirror - June 10, 2014

GMZ Energy, a leading provider of advanced nano-structured, high-temperature thermoelectric generation ("TEG") power solutions, today announced the successful demonstration of a TEG designed for automotive waste heat recapture. The unit generated an output power well in excess of its 200 watt design goal. GMZ Energy built the TEG as a part of an ongoing vehicle efficiency research program sponsored by the U.S. Army Tank Automotive Research, Development and Engineering Center ("TARDEC") and administered by the Department of Energy ("DOE").

Cyclone Power Technologies Delivers Engine in Full Satisfaction of U.S. Army / TARDEC Development Contract - May 29, 2014

Cyclone Power Technologies Inc. (otcqb:CYPW), developer of the all-fuel, clean-tech Cyclone Engine, announced that it has successfully delivered its prototype S-2 engine and auxiliary power unit (APU) to the U.S. Army / Tank Automotive Research, Development & Engineering Center (TARDEC), in full satisfaction its $1.4 million development contract with the government. With this accomplishment, Cyclone has submitted for payment a final invoice for approximately $150,000.

Automotive engineers explore future mobility, protection

ECN Magazine - May 27, 2014

When Gen. Dennis Via, U.S. Army Materiel Command commanding general, visited the Tank Automotive Research, Development and Engineering Center earlier this year, he said, "We don't know where the next contingency will be, but there will be another contingency."

Army, Lockheed to test drones-only mission, by air and land

Defense Systems - Feb 20, 2014

The U.S. Army Robotics Technology Consortium has awarded a contract to Lockheed Martin to conduct a fully autonomous reconnaissance, surveillance and target acquisition mission experiment. The cooperative test will feature Lockheed's Squad Mission Support System (SMSS) unmanned ground vehicle and the K-MAX unmanned air vehicle working together, Lockheed announced.

TARDEC demos autonomous vehicles

Fort Hood Sentinel - January 16, 2014

The U.S Army is no stranger to innovation. In 1946, the Tank Automotive Research, Development and Engineering Center was formed for the initial purpose of developing efficient tanks that kept Soldiers safe in hostile territory. Over the years, the organization has expanded its research into the fields of engineering and ground based systems and now stands as a quiet leader in innovation and technology.

Could General Motors and the Army Build a Hydrogen Fuel Cell Tank?

Daily Finance - November 17, 2013

On Aug. 15, 1940, the Army contracted with Chrysler to create the nation's first government-owned, contractor-operated facility at the Detroit Arsenal Tank Plant in Warren, Mich. Is TARDEC's partnership with General Motors the next stage in tank evolution?

High school students rave about careers in science

Advisor & Source Newspapers - October 31, 2013

A group of Utica Community Schools female students are raving about careers in science, technology, engineering and math. Courtesy of the Michigan chapter of Women in Defense, 21 UCS students experienced the Rave Cave -- a nonprofit organization that promotes education, research and development, and scientific discovery through state-of-the-art environments and cutting-edge technology.

How do you defeat a laser? - August 22, 2013

For almost two decades, the U.S. Army Research Laboratory has been developing materials to protect ground vehicles and dismounted soldiers from lasers, notably new material that would let natural light through but block any laser light. Today's lasers can disorient and even wound soldiers, inflicting permanent blindness, and they can easily blind crucial defense cameras. Picture an armored vehicle travelling through an urban environment: With limited vision, the soldiers in it would rely on the vehicle's cameras as eyes on the surrounding streets.