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Office reshuffle saves $30,000 a year

By Mark Iacampo, U.S. Army Garrison Bavaria - HohenfelsJuly 8, 2014

New headquarters increases efficiency
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

HOHENFELS, Germany -- As budgetary restrictions continue across the Army, garrisons are becoming more proactive in cutting costs and saving money. At U.S. Army Garrison Bavaria-Hohenfels, a recent initiative to identify underutilized facilities within the installation coupled with relocating and consolidating various units have resulted in a projected annual savings of more than $30,000 in energy costs alone.

"Due to various cuts and personnel losses, several buildings that were once fully occupied now had just a few employees occupying them," said Peter Suh, an operations specialist with the Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobilization and Security and one of the co-leads on the project. "A decision was made to consolidate and centralize dispersed services and managerial functions under one roof."

The restructuring allowed the complete closure of two buildings and half of a third, divesting more than 29,000 square feet of underutilized administrative space. Additionally, the consolidating of garrison organizations and personnel creates a more constructive and cohesive work environment and provides more of a "one-stop shop" concept for the community.

"We're saving on square footage used, which comes with a cost; utilities come with a cost. But we're also able to bring together a lot of different agencies under one roof," said Col. James E. Saenz, former USAG Bavaria commander. "With all these agencies being there together talking to each other, I think it will provide better customer service to all our customers."

"When we can become more efficient and more effective at the same time, you can't get any better than that," Saenz said.

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