IMCOM takes proactive approach to customer service

By Lt. Gen. David Halverson, commander, U.S. Army Installation Management Command, and assistant chief of staff for installation managementJune 20, 2014

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SAN ANTONIO -- Let's talk about customer service. It is about the Golden Rule -- "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," and you must love Soldiers and families.

Members of the Installation Management Command must understand their role in delivering customer service to Soldiers, Army civilians, wounded warriors, retirees and their families, and survivors. The IMCOM team builds a ready and resilient Army. We take care of people, and make them self-reliant.

Soldiers, family members, Army civilians, wounded warriors, retirees and survivors depend on the Army and the IMCOM team to enable them through installation services. Soldiers are committed to the Army profession and expect others in the Army to be as passionate about the mission as they are.

The Army has made a promise to champion Soldiers, civilians and families. Everyone on the installation management team helps fulfill this promise and delivers to standards.

As the commander of the U.S. Army Installation Management Command and the Army's assistant chief of staff for installation management, I want to ensure we set the example and that we deliver installation services to established standards.

Installations provide the structure, the foundation, the platform of readiness and resilience. We support the Army. Therefore, we serve people. We are The Army's Home.

The Army is about people. As Gen. Ray Odierno, Army chief of staff, said: "The strength of the nation is the Army. The strength of the Army is the Soldier. The strength of the Soldier is the family. That's what makes us Army Strong."

We make the Army Strong. Being the Army's Home means striving to provide the utmost in customer service to Soldiers, family members, Army civilians, veterans and survivors of the fallen - the entire Army community.

You also are part of the great Army community. Your well-being and professional development helps us provide even better customer service. Seek ways to improve your skills through education and training.

Develop your subordinates so they are empowered for greater responsibility. The vision for Army Leader Development Strategy is to development competent and committed leaders of character with skills and attributes necessary to meet the challenges of the 21st century.

Make yourself ready and resilient and "Fit to Fight" by being morally, physically and mentally healthy. Strive to achieve balance at work, with your family and in the community. This will help you understand who our customers really are and what they value.

Our customers are paramount. We need to listen when our customers speak.

The breadth and depth of the services we provide is complex; it is our role to coordinate, anticipate and verify customer needs. Garrison leaders need to leave their egos at the door and listen with grace -- and the Soldiers and civilians of their garrison teams should follow their example and do the same.

IMCOM has developed a culture of treating people with dignity and respect. A person who comes to one of our garrisons should walk away satisfied and with a sense of having received fair and courteous treatment.

We must continue this hallmark of our customers' experiences. We should always have the attitude of expectancy -- expecting to be the person who makes someone's day better. Keep in mind who we serve.

Positive attitudes go a long way toward enhancing customer relations. People who enjoy their jobs -- from checking a toddler into a child care center for the first time to discussing funding priorities with the senior commanders -- enhance customer satisfaction.

The senior commanders on our installations depend on the IMCOM team to provide services and programs tailored to support their particular readiness needs. We are all on the same team and our priorities are nested with those of senior commanders.

IMCOM's chapter of the Army story is where readiness and resilience cross from buzzwords to practice.

Follow through with deeds instead of words alone. "Do-oah!" accomplishes more than "Hooah!" If we disappoint someone, explain why and ensure it is not because of a broken commitment. We must be adaptable and agile -- our ability is a measure of organizational success.

Members of the IMCOM team are vital to how the Army lives, works, trains and plays. Whether it's an intramural softball tournament, a fresh coat of paint for a barracks, or a range ready for realistic training, the quality of your work shows our customers we care about them, and their missions and their quality of life.

It's what we mean by our vision: Ready and Resilient Army: Providing Soldiers, families and civilians a quality of life commensurate with the quality of their service.

The Army is about values. Live Army Values daily. Use Army Values to guide you for the best customer service on your installation. The Army is counting on you.

Army Strong!

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