June 6, 2014: HON Carson's remarks (abbreviated) during the 239th Army Birthday kick-off event (National Defense University)
239th Army Birthday Theme: "America's Army: Our Profession"
**Abbreviated Remarks:
As an institution we admire the attributes of humility and selfless service
But as we approach the Army's Birthday, it is imperative that we take pride in and reflect on how far we have come in our 239 year history.
Since our humble beginnings in 1775, when the Continental Congress assumed command of the "Troops of the United Provinces' of North America", our Army has influenced the Nation and the World.
From the small national force combined with the state militias' citizen soldiers that helped give birth to a new nation, winning our freedom and establishing the tradition of subordinating the military to civilian authority...to the force that grew to 89 divisions in 1945 and sent millions of regulars and "citizen soldiers" to, as it is inscribed on the WWII Memorial flag posts, "to liberate, not to conquer, to restore freedom and to end tyranny"...to the All Volunteer Force that adapted to the changing face of warfare and fought our nation's longest war during the past 13 years.
Our Army has always provided our country with the ability to preserve and protect peace, prosperity and liberty both at home and abroad, firmly establishing the United States as a global power.
And as a global power, I would argue that not only is our country the most important nation in the world, but that our Army is the most important institution in the world.
And what makes our Army the most important institution is it people. Its families, is civilians and most important, its soldiers.
Thank you….and may God bless the United States Army.
Additional information about the Army's 239th Birthday is located at www.army.mil/birthday/239.
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