Have Guns, Will Travel-3-159th ARB explores the Open Sea

By 1LT Emily McGuireJune 4, 2014

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PERSIAN GULF-The role of the AH-64 Apache helicopter has adapted through history to meet the needs of the ground commander. Originally intended to fulfill a critical role for the United States Army in the fight against enemy armored formations on a conventional battlefield, the platform is now used to fulfill missions across a wide spectrum of conflicts. One such mission currently finding increased attention is none other than the maritime environment.

3-159 Attack Reconnaissance Battalion, an AH-64D attack helicopter battalion out of the 12th Combat Aviation Brigade in Germany, has found itself immersed in operations far beyond its normal scope. Currently deployed to Kuwait, the 'Quickstrike' battalion is developing techniques, tactics, and procedures across the maritime domain - a role still within its infant stages across Army aviation. In working closely with the United States Navy, relationships are being forged across multiple branches of service and a synergy is starting to take root which increases the diversity and adaptability of the Army's attack aviation capability.

3-159th Attack Reconnaissance Battalion completed deck landing qualifications in the Northern Arabian Gulf on the USS Mesa Verde from April 27th to April 30th. The training, which utilized two AH-64D Apaches, was conducted in order to qualify pilots on Navy shipboard operations. This was the first time the unit has completed deck landing qualifications and a full embarkation of aviators and support personnel upon a Navy vessel.

"It was impressive to witness our aviators operate in an environment that is foreign to much of our branch" said MAJ Michael Shaw, 3-159th Operations Officer. "Training opportunities on ships like the Mesa Verde bring to the surface capabilities and opportunities now available to senior commanders."

The Aviation Officer (i.e. Air Boss) for the USS Mesa Verde, LT Michael Pfeiffer stated "It has been an awesome experience for my entire flight deck crew, Mesa Verde has worked with the Army before, specifically the Air Cavalry and 160th SOAR back in the states in 2012, but working together on deployment, in theater, and for such an extended period of time is probably a first in most of our books."

The certification consisted of 3-159th flight deck landing and liftoff maneuvers with the USS Mesa Verde flight crew members assisting with aircraft signaling, wheel chocks, securing the aircraft to the deck and refueling.

"It was cool to see the inter-operability and teamwork piece between the two units in action" said LT Pfeiffer. "The five days together was a win-win for both sides; the Navy was able to get critical exposure to different T/M/S aircraft operations and show off her LPD 19 class of ships while the Army was able to gain familiarization, qualification and proficiency in the maritime environment".

"The past decade successfully demonstrated the joint capability of each service," stated MAJ Shaw. "As the operational and strategic picture continues to forge new paths, joint training opportunities such as Army/Navy maritime integration simply becomes a force multiplier and allows for joint decisive action across every AOR."

3-159th ARB currently deployed to Kuwait as ARCENT's strategic reserve in support of Operation Enduring Freedom will continue to train with Navy assets in the region in order to gain experience and develop familiarization in a maritime environment. The new capacity of such a combat multiplier brings incredible options to the nation's strategic leaders.