Tradoc Now Script: Rapid Infusion Process

By U.S. ArmyApril 29, 2014

TALENT: What Does It Take To Quickly Respond To The Needs Of The Force?

U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command is leading an effort to rapidly infuse solutions learned from observations and lessons.

TALENT: Called The Rapid Infusion Process, Tradoc Is Working To Promote Action, Assign Responsibility, And Ensure Solution Integration Across The Warfighting Functions.

INTERVIEW (SME): The Rapid Infusion Process Is Part Of The Army's Lesson Learned Effort To Initiate And Speed Up The Application Of The Things We Learn From Combat Training Centers, Real-World Missions, And Unit Training.

Our goal is to maximize the opportunities to integrate solutions into our doctrine, formations and capabilities across the army so we can get them into the hands of soldiers -- as fast as possible.

TALENT: For more videos on how TRADOC is building the future army check out our Youtube channel.

And that's it for Tradoc now, I'm SGM Jose Velazquez and victory starts here

Related Documents:

Tradoc Now Script: Rapid Infusion Process (PDF) [PDF]

Related Links:

VIDEO: Tradoc Now: Rapid Infusion Process