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Army War College educates FA 59 Army Strategists

By Lt. Col. Lindan A. MoyaApril 16, 2014

Functional Area 59 Graduation
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FA 59 Strategist Graduation
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April 11, 2014 -- Thirteen officers became the Army's newest strategic experts, able to contribute immediately in their next assignment, having graduated from the 14-week long Basic Strategic Art Program at the Army War College today.

Successful completion of BSAP awards the functional area 59, Strategist, typically to field grade officers. This most recent class consisted of one lieutenant colonel, 10 majors and two captains, and included officers from the active component, National Guard and Army Reserve.

"I need you to own '59'," said Maj. Gen. Tony Cucolo, Army War College Commandant who gave the keynote address at graduation. The Chief of Staff of the Army has his eyes on this proponency and recognizes your value, said Cucolo.

We need 59's with moral courage, who can say what must be said, even if it requires more work. This means operating with a certain degree of professional risk, said Cucolo.

The Army War College sponsors the Functional Area 59 course for field grade officers. Lt. Col. Mike Shekleton, course director said the course is offered three times a year with the ability to graduate 48 officers each year.

BSAP serves as the foundational education that allows FA 59 officers to serve successfully throughout the Army and Joint Force from Division through Combatant Command. The program consists of seminar discussions, guest speaker events, staff rides, and a capstone planning exercise.