ACS offers career assessment tools

By Barbara Martin, Fort Jackson Employment Readiness ProgramMarch 27, 2014

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FORT JACKSON, S.C. (March 27, 2014) April is National Career Assessment Month, and the Army Community Service Employment Readiness Program will be partnering with Midlands Technical College on April 30, from 9 a.m. to noon to provide a career awareness seminar at the Education Center, Room B-107.

This event is intended to help people discover their skills and interest, become aware of current employment trends and give tips on how to sell themselves in an interview using a career portfolio. Each participant will receive a copy of the "Your Career and Life Plan Portfolio Workbook" and a career portfolio binder. Each participant will also have the opportunity to complete an online career assessment and receive a comprehensive evaluation.

Did you know that most people will spend more than 80,000 hours of their lives working? Why spend it doing something you don't enjoy? Career exploration helps you learn more about yourself. Learning more about your interests and preferences enables you to make more meaningful career decisions.

If you are confused about deciding the right career path for yourself, career assessments can help. Career assessment results are not like a "magic pill" to solve all of your career ailments, but are a tool in discovering more about you, which can be very helpful in finding a good career fit.

During April, military spouses are encouraged to schedule an appointment with an ACS career development facilitator, or CDF. The CDF will assist military spouses in developing an individual career action plan to help them reach their employment and education goals.

ACS also offers a free virtual career library where individual can explore hundreds of potential career resources to help make informed decisions about career and education choices. To access this virtual library, visit

For more information about the Employment Readiness Program or to schedule an appointment, call 751-4862 and visit the ERP website at

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Fort Jackson Employment Readiness Program